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Help me understand

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From: Szumek
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Date: 08/05/2009 02:33:19
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Help me.. because strange things happened..

It's about my last game: (13467301)

First of all: my best player Cerkunovas (team: Szumki) played only 1 min. He had no injury, he was "fresh".. He was substituted in 2nd minute and never came back to play. Couch was supposed to make changes only in 4th QT. Sa what was that???

Before he was hanged, he had been fauled (no 3FG in game stats) But the free throws made another player!!! ???

And see something else.. My team had only 3 personal fouls in total!! Good for me but what with the reality of the game??

From: CrazyEye

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103994.2 in reply to 103994.1
Date: 08/05/2009 03:16:00
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are zou sure there is no injury message, sometimes the plazers doesn|t turn red but when soemone other shoots the freethrow he should be injured and it fit also to the fact that he doesn|t play anymore.

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103994.3 in reply to 103994.1
Date: 08/05/2009 03:17:23
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He was injured on a 3 point attempt, a little over a minute in. You can see this happen if you watch the game replay (there is a message saying that he is injured on the play, after his shot). His injury, however, was only for the rest of the game, so that is why he doesn't show up as injured on your roster.

Normally a player turns red when there is an injury; your player didn't change colour here, but was still injured (it looks like there is a bug with the colour change sometimes).

Last edited by The Mogul at 08/05/2009 03:20:16

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103994.4 in reply to 103994.3
Date: 08/06/2009 03:57:44
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I saw the messages 3 times and I didn't see it until 4th time:) Strange..
And you're right - it must be a bug with the colour change..