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Flags in team homepage

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Date: 08/05/2009 10:06:35
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Hello, this is my first post on this forum, so please excuse if someone already asked this, I just couldn't find it.

In my team homepage, near Throphies, there are 2 flags under the "Flags" sign.
What do these flag mean? How do they change?
Thanks to anybody who answers.

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104040.2 in reply to 104040.1
Date: 08/05/2009 10:43:22
Overall Posts Rated:
When you play against a team from another country, you collect that country's flag for your overview page. It's called Flag Chasing - a lot of supporters try to schedule scrimmages with a different country every week to collect as many flags as possible.

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104040.3 in reply to 104040.1
Date: 08/05/2009 10:47:07
Overall Posts Rated:
The Flags represent all of the countries that you have played teams from. It is a supporter feature. The flags dont change, but you can continue to add flags for each team you play from a country you dont yet have a flag.

Sometimes new users will show flags from countries you havent yet played. This will sort itself out with time.