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A Game of Thrones (spoilers)

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Date: 06/16/2011 07:46:32
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I know there are a few Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones fans here so i thought i'd put this thread up.

I fell a little behind and only just watched episodes 7 and 8 with 9 downloading now but i'm absolutely loving this series and how true to the books it is. Casting has been perfect too.

The "i'll get you a throne" speech from Drogo near the end of episode 7 actually gave me goosebumps it was so awesome. Can't wait for more!

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187452.2 in reply to 187452.1
Date: 06/16/2011 11:10:03
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I'm right there with you on this. I have been downloading this little beauty on a weekly basis and am quite sad that the final ep for season one is around the corner. How are the cliff hanger finishes to each ep as well, massively including ep 9.

I never actually read the books but am seriously considering buying them to read while waiting for season 2. If the tv series is this good, the books must be amazing!

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187452.3 in reply to 187452.2
Date: 06/16/2011 17:10:38
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Yeah, definitely worth getting the books. The TV series is probably the best book to tv/movie adaption i've ever seen and barely misses a thing (probably because George R Martin is directly involved) but as always, the tv series can't include every little thing so you get that bit extra in the books. I think i'm probably more excited for each episode than people who haven't read the books too because i know what's coming and what's happened so far is only the beginning! :D

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187452.4 in reply to 187452.3
Date: 06/16/2011 17:32:54
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I can assure you I feel a whole lot of anticipation of impending doom even without reading the books! But I know what you mean. And I agree with you Vios I am going to get the books ASAP.

It takes a fair bit to get me excited about TV series, but I am hanging on the edge of my seat for each episode. I think the best scene so far has been when we meet the head Lanister (Tiberius, or is that the Imp?) for the first time and he is skinning the deer, also the golden crown is amazing too - glad that guy is gone! So graphic, I love it.

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187452.5 in reply to 187452.4
Date: 06/16/2011 19:07:43
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Tywin Lannister is the head of that family. Tyrion is the imp.

I think what i like best about the whole series is that you never know what's going to happen. He certainly doesn't stick to the "good guys always win and the heroes never die" kind of thing that most stories use. I guess it's a bit more real in that way but still a lot of fantasy and excitement etc

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187452.6 in reply to 187452.5
Date: 06/16/2011 19:19:51
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Yeah and they they also love closing each episode off on a cliff hanger. Enough to keep the audience wanting more and thinking what will happen next (if you haven't read the books).

I am currently reading the books and I totally agree that the TV adaptation is very closely aligned with what happens in the book but there is always so much more background information that builds up the context from the book.

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187452.7 in reply to 187452.6
Date: 06/16/2011 23:59:26
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I think i'll watch this once it starts on showtime (a couple of weeks i think) - I've seen a couple of promos sand a few guys from "The Wire" are in there which has piqued my interest given it's the greatest TV show of all time!

I have no background knowledge of the books it's based on but i think it looks pretty good.

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187452.8 in reply to 187452.7
Date: 06/17/2011 01:48:58
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You need not know anything about the books and I guarantee you'll love it. It's done that well it's basically like a really long movie (in quality sense), broken up into 55 minute segments.

The final series is out next Monday so if you wanted, you could just download the entire series at once and watch them all in a row!

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187452.9 in reply to 187452.8
Date: 06/17/2011 01:52:02
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So the next episode is the season finale? Nooooo!

I found this series from you guys talking about in in the fishbowl forums a few weeks ago. Very glad I did! Thanks!

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187452.10 in reply to 187452.9
Date: 06/17/2011 03:18:10
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So terribly sad it's already episode 10 next Monday.. the season finale.
Don't know what else to watch now.. maybe Glee? hahah

Can't wait for season 2.. and season 1 hasn't even finished!!

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187452.11 in reply to 187452.5
Date: 06/17/2011 03:52:24
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Although I really like that heroes don't win all the time, it makes it tough to watch knowing that the POV character you are getting close to as a reader could easily die in the next episode.

Great adaptation

Creator of ( and ( -- Ex GM of Australia -- Division 1 winner of Italy Season 1 then moved team to Australia after the country was created by the BBs. Australian team manager for 2 seasons. Won various tournaments and division 1 titles in the following seasons.