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BB Australia > rookie scores 38

rookie scores 38

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Date: 07/21/2012 21:33:29
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Hey guys

Was looking over some transfer guys last night, and came across a player whom i can;'t link to because he is on the transfer market, but basically he is 19 and has
OD - Sensational
Hand - Tremendous
Driv - Prolific.

So i was like, wow awesome, this guy has been trained really well.... he only has JS - Average and JR - Respectable, BUT really awesome secondaries. Average IS, RB, ID, etc etc.

Then i had a look at his player history. He is 19. and in his second league game... ever (That is, last season, when he was 18) he scored 38 points..... 38 points!!!!!!!!!! on 15-28 shooting?!?!?! what the?!?! Here is the game (42797293)

The owner played him at SF, played Look Inside against a team playing Man to Man. Its a Chinese Div III league against a legitimate team who set a legitmate lineup.
If the player still only has average JS and average IS, and if you assumed that at best he probably had Strong driving/handling/OD when he was 1 week old... so how on earth does this guy score 38 points?

Interested to hear comments.

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222327.2 in reply to 222327.1
Date: 07/22/2012 00:03:22
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Great score for a rookie but not THAT amazing. SF is often the weakest spot for a lot of teams and looks like he was up against a 31 year old 10k player so he probably wasn't up against much defense. His team also had HCA and played with more enthusiasm which would have provided a pretty good boost too.

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222327.3 in reply to 222327.2
Date: 07/22/2012 08:57:08
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yer sure, no defence, HCA and more enthusiasm.... but still! Not that amazing? 15-28 in his second league game? cmoooooooooooon. id be happy with a $100k player doing that, let alone a draftee in his second game.

I was thinking more about the players on his own team. I cant remember, but the Centre was like a $50k C, or something like that, and the PF i think $17k salary. and he played look inside.
I would have thought the game engine would have identified the C and PF more than a rookie SF playing Look Inside. Its not just that he hit his shots, its that the GE identified him to take as many shots as he did.
I know effort and enthusiasm and HCA plays a part, but that would have played a part across the board to all players.
If you take out that game, the guy shot 26% from the field for that season.
just seems really odd is all, id never seenanything like it.