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USA - IV.38 > Questions from a new player

Questions from a new player

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From: Jahill
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Date: 05/28/2013 10:26:22
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I signed up for Buzzer Beater, a little late in the season, thus my scouting is a little screwed up as I've only had enough points to do a minimal amount of scouting. Is there any way to get bonus scouting points? Or to get more draft picks? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also how does the draft work with computer teams.

From: D-Man

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242246.2 in reply to 242246.1
Date: 05/28/2013 22:36:52
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Unfortunately with your late sign up you will be demoted down to divison 5 next season. Its probably a good thing though so you can learn the game and develop your guys to compete. As for the draft, everyone gets 3 draftees each season, no more, no less. Considering you came in last your chances of getting some good players are pretty high considering you haven't had much time to spend on scouting. I have never invested too heavily into scouting but, I don't think its possible to get bonus scouting points....Sorry I didn't give you much here, but hope it was a little helpful.

From: Jahill

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242246.3 in reply to 242246.2
Date: 05/29/2013 21:39:23
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Wish me luck, thanks.

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242246.4 in reply to 242246.3
Date: 05/29/2013 23:30:32
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As was already stated, you can't get any extra scouting points. But the good news is, if you happen to have already found anyone good to draft, you'll be able to land him since you'll have the first pick.

Good luck next season. D.V is great for a new owner to learn and experiment with different things.

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242246.5 in reply to 242246.4
Date: 05/30/2017 21:52:43
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New guy here as well. Im a veteran of some other basketball sim games and thought id try this one. Any tips would be appreciated.

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242246.6 in reply to 242246.5
Date: 05/31/2017 10:00:28
Navajo Nation Advent
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you could probably afford two 18 year olds with starter or star potential. get them and start training. get an advanced trainer when you can. they'll make you enough money to get to phase two, new trainees and stadium upgrades. Do not worry about winning yet. Spending money on players to win will in the long run, set you back. be patient.