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Fishbowl S13

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From: Axis123
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Date: 09/21/2013 20:21:56
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Considering the Fishbowl isn't riding off into the sunset and leaving us with only a legend to speak of, we shall start a season 13 thread.

Long live.

From: Axis123

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248668.2 in reply to 248668.1
Date: 09/21/2013 20:22:33
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we have decreased the contributions Jump Range and Shot Blocking have to a player’s salary

We have tuned the calculations in the Fan Survey to better reflect the overall performance of your team instead of having as strong an emphasis on your last league game.

some teams might not be able to purchase players that really shouldn’t be playing in their division.

if they can correctly predict which strategy an opposing team will use, they can get in some last-minute practice and be stronger on the court.

Holy amazeballs!

I don't know about all of you, but I like every single one of these announcements.

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248668.3 in reply to 248668.2
Date: 09/21/2013 20:29:56
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if they can correctly predict which strategy an opposing team will use, they can get in some last-minute practice and be stronger on the court.

A bit dubious of this one .... isn't this just effectively adding a "guess" component to a game that could give you an advantage?

This Post:
248668.4 in reply to 248668.3
Date: 09/21/2013 20:51:11
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if they can correctly predict which strategy an opposing team will use, they can get in some last-minute practice and be stronger on the court.

A bit dubious of this one .... isn't this just effectively adding a "guess" component to a game that could give you an advantage?

Yes and no. What it means is that if a team ONLY plays LI & M2M, you can get a bit of an advantage over them if you choose to predict that and get a little advantage.

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248668.5 in reply to 248668.4
Date: 09/21/2013 20:59:36
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Which to me says "we have given up trying to balance the game engine so we've come up with a different way"

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248668.6 in reply to 248668.5
Date: 09/21/2013 21:12:41
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Lol, yeah good point.

This Post:
248668.7 in reply to 248668.5
Date: 09/21/2013 21:49:16
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true but still better than nothing until we realise the advantage from playing li/m2m being predicted every week is better than having to play lp/motion/r&g/etc occasionally

From: pete

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248668.8 in reply to 248668.7
Date: 09/21/2013 22:14:30
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true but still better than nothing until we realise the advantage from playing li/m2m being predicted every week is better than having to play lp/motion/r&g/etc occasionally

I already do play that occasionally to try and get an advantage. End of the day, the stronger team will win. This is just BB's way of getting people of playing LI/m2m and to starting training SF, or to build players with more skill in other areas, or different positions all up. Another reason why JR and SB is less expensive. They cant seem to find the balance between inside and outside themselves. Personally, I've seen how much harder it is for a team go to the ABBL with players that use to get good-very good ave in 3pt shooting, and then just fail to get even a mediocre %. I can just see this blowing up in their faces when people say, the feature is crap, the advantage isn't working. Then BB ups the % of the advantage, ant the games gets ruined forever.

From: abigfishy

To: pete
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248668.9 in reply to 248668.8
Date: 09/21/2013 22:21:10
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I think the feature is good

obv bbmarin isn't up 2 redoing all the code so they r finding smart & easy ways 2 fix the balance

sb hich hurts LI is cheaper

jr that helps outside tactics is cheaper

running li/m2m every week may now get u a 5% penalty

its all moving the balance a little bit away from just running li/m2m every week like 75% of the abbl did last season

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248668.10 in reply to 248668.9
Date: 09/21/2013 22:25:07
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which suits me nicely for my all young aussie 1/2/3 :)

From: pete

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248668.11 in reply to 248668.9
Date: 09/21/2013 22:42:43
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Dont really believe its LI thats the issue here. M2M is the issue. Team playing R&G for example, should find it easier to beat M2M. Teams should be using outside box or better imo. Anyway, I believe there are enough areas in the game, where someone can find an advatage. I do see it as a good thing in the begining, but not in the long run.