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BB Österreich > [U21 NT] S45

[U21 NT] S45

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From: Rovali
This Post:
Date: 02/11/2019 14:59:05
Flexible Flamingo's
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Dutch Knicks
** U21 UPDATE ** SAISON 45 **


Our roster is better than the last few years, and even getting better next year because we've got some 20-yr's who are already starters this season.....

Small guy
(46464944) Thomas "Weiss" Schwarz; 19-yr old, Pot 8 Guard who will get a lot of Passing
(45935202) Milorad Dimović; 20-yr old starter, great distance-shooter! We will have a lot of fun with him this and next season.
(45935226) Eduard Neuhold; 20-yr PG, has some inside skills. Our backup PG for this season and starter next season.
(45935245) Stefan Bayer; 21-yr PG; plays in Israel. If his shape is OK he will play. Loves to 'look inside'.
(45935317) Erich Brandstätter; decent skilled PG with pot. 10. Nice to have as backup, but if he is trained right, a great option for the NT.
(45935324) Franz Rümmele; 20-yr PG, pot. 10 ! Might be our starter. Best passing PG we have, but no inside.

Middle guy
(45935221) Axel Kleist; 21-yr old, allround SF. Pot. 5, so the u21 will be his max.
(45154384) Ľubomír Zuziak; Great 21-yr SF, 196cm, allround! Also an option for PG
(45935222) Marko Mischek; 20-yr old MVP, allround but lacks passing!!
(45935259) Maximilian Rosenstatter; just like Zuziak allround, but with a bit more inside. Depending the opponent, Zuziak or Rosenstatter will start.
(46464857) Manuel Dober; 20-yr old MPV. But with Zuziak and Rosenstatter he won't play this season. Option for next season.

Big men
(45935278) Herbert Zangerle; 20-yr old PF, not great but with not so many inside options he will play some games.
(45935189) Predrag Kara; 20-yr old PF. With 20-yr our first option on C.
(45935220) Martin Dizdarevic; 21-yr old Rekordspieler, will give us an inside offense.

As you can see, the guard and forwardpositions are great. We lack a bit of big guys !

Looking forward to this / next season.

Another request: If you have nice, high potential youngster but you don't train, please TL them!

From: Rovali

This Post:
298478.2 in reply to 298478.1
Date: 02/11/2019 15:30:41
Flexible Flamingo's
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Dutch Knicks

There are some prospects for the next season, if well trained.
Not good enough to be in the roster now, but could be valueble.

Please keep up training....

18-yr old
(46772753) René Kaiser; Hall of Famer; 198cm
(46772659) Maximilian Vogel; Hall of Famer; 206cm
(46772639) Willibald Steindl; MVP; 203cm
(46772611) Simon Strafner; Perennial Star; 196cm
(46772694) Sebastian Kerschbaumer; Perennial Star; 188cm
Not much 18-old youngster this draft......

19-yr old
(46465055) Martin Lachmayer; Hall of Famer; 206cm
(46464959) Philipp Hu; Hall of Famer; 185cm
(46772709) Roman Reinhard; Hall of Famer; 206cm
(46464843) Felix Kempf; MVP; 183cm
(46464933) Paul Schwarzenberger; MVP; 198cm
(46772781) Stefan Kraml; Superstar; 213cm
(46772735) Edi Borak; Superstar; 216cm
(46464819) Sascha Steyrer; Perennial Star; 203cm
(46465050) Christoph Öztürk; Perennial Star; 196cm
(46772699) Manuel Jungnickel; Perennial Star; 206cm

20-yr old
(45935321) Günter Hartlieb; MVP; 193cm
(46464864) Lorenzo Elvis Galdino; Superstar; 185cm
(45935194) David Sariyar; Superstar; 183cm
(45935204) Erich Lipa; Superstar; 185cm
(45935289) Laszlo Garaba; Perennial Star; 185cm
(46464829) René Liendl; Allstar; 20-yr; PG; 188cm
(46464935) Markus Gasser; Star; 20-yr; SG; 196cm

These are the top players in each categorie. If you train a player who isn't in this list, doesn't mean he can't reach the U21 !

From: Rovali

This Post:
298478.3 in reply to 298478.2
Date: 02/11/2019 15:46:06
Flexible Flamingo's
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Dutch Knicks

After a dissapointing season 44, where only 4 of the 14 games were won, the U21 made a great start is this new season.

Austria (60) - Andorra (66) 107-103
The season started with a scrimmage in and against Andorra. This game was used to let the players get to know each other.
After the 3th Quater, Andorra let by 1 point. But with great plays from Dimovic we achieved our first win in the first game of the season.
Dimovic (SG-27pts) and Zuziak (SF-24pts) were hot in scoring, as Kara (17-rb) dominated inside.

Ceska Rep. (67) - Austria (60) 97-110
First 'official' game against Ceska. A difficult game, because with an 61k Center Ceska should rule inside. On the other hand, an easy prediction of an inside game.
With the starting-five Rümmele / Dimovic / Zuziak / Dizdarevic / Kara, in an motion tactik, we kept up with de Cesk. Half-time tied at 52-52. Second half our PG Rümmele made the difference. 26-Pts and 8 assists, great game ! Inside wasn't too bad either, only 4 reb. less. Great (and a bit unaspected) win !!

Next game: England (in London Town)

This Post:
298478.5 in reply to 298478.3
Date: 02/12/2019 04:50:26
Lokomotive Coma
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Lokomotive Coma Utopia
Congrats! Great Start!

Stay victorious!

Ois wiad guat
From: Rovali

This Post:
298478.7 in reply to 298478.6
Date: 03/11/2019 16:54:59
Flexible Flamingo's
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Dutch Knicks
Ja, wie haben leider heute verloren von due Griechen, aber um so zou reagieren??

Aber ich bin froh jemand folgt den U21 👍

Ueber Schwarz ( ja, in mein Team, ist das verboten?)

Er ist bessen als Saryiar (tsp 68 / 74 fuer Schwarz auf 19 jahr)
Brandstaetter hat meht tsp, aber fuer backup pg habe ich Schwarz gewaehlt, weil er bessere passing hat.

Es hat nachts zu tun das er bei meinem Flexible Flamingo’s spielt.

Wenn es dich freut, mache ich naechste Spiel ein Vorschau.

Und wenn du es besser kann, erwarte ich dich bei naechste Wahl 👍

From: Rovali

This Post:
298478.9 in reply to 298478.8
Date: 03/12/2019 02:35:22
Flexible Flamingo's
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Dutch Knicks
Tut mir leid du glaubst dass. Wenn du willst, verkaufe ich Scwarz ( und Zangerle), ich wuerde die gleiche aufstellung machen.
Ich versuche nur beide zu trainen, damit die u21 besser wird.

Fuer jetzt werde ich nichts mehr in diese Sache posten.

Im wochenende werde ich die Aufstellung fuer Ukrain posten, damit du vorab deine Meinung geben kannst.

Vielleich en bessere idee um zusammen zu arbeiten und u21 weiter zu helfen, wass findest du von ein job u21 assistent. 👍

This Post:
298478.11 in reply to 298478.6
Date: 03/12/2019 06:12:35
Lokomotive Coma
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Lokomotive Coma Utopia
Endlich mal wieder was los! Und es erinnert an die glorreichen Zeiten mit samjumpman und hernoiza ..... wildeste Beflegelungen via Forum .... jaja ... die gute alte Zeit ;-)

Vielleicht ist´s aber auch nur politisch motiviert. Nachdem Kurz die Balkanroute geschlossen hat, will Herr Ka jetzt wohl die Tulpen- und Schafroute schließen ;-)

Ois wiad guat