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merchandise bug?

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From: elpupe
This Post:
Date: 11/07/2022 12:33:45
Serie A
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Puppets Madness
I've sold 3 important players last week, now my merchandise income has decreased a lot.
I expected it, but I don't understand why the jerseys sold for the other players who have remained in the squad have also been reset... (for example: Cecchini $ 0, why?)

... is it a bug?

This Post:
316977.3 in reply to 316977.2
Date: 11/10/2022 03:54:47
Serie A
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Puppets Madness
Cecchini played 48 minutes, he is now the league leader for rebounds and he's still at ZERO income for merchandising.

From: GM-KVI

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316977.4 in reply to 316977.3
Date: 11/10/2022 04:18:12
Valley Boys
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Second Team:
Frosted Abomasnows
Well he played one game which is on Tuesday, Economic updates are on Mondays. There is also a text there in the merchandise breakdown that says "The merchandise breakdown estimates are updated every few days." Be patient, updates will happen.

From: Dormouse

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316977.5 in reply to 316977.4
Date: 11/10/2022 04:36:45
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Only the "estimates" are updated every few days..
On Monday a value is set (which is the evolution of the trend on that day), then during the week it fluctuates to help understand how the values move based on the weekly performance of the players.. but the only one that "collects "is the one fixed on Monday..

Anche tu a caccia di "Riconoscimenti"?! Vieni in federazione: Achievements hunters (fedid=19269) (solo per supporter, se non lo sei e hai dubbi chiedi pure, spero di poter esserti di aiuto)
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316977.6 in reply to 316977.5
Date: 11/10/2022 04:41:46
Polisportiva SG
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Wrong Merchandise!!!!!!!!!! WTF?
Bought the $ 4 000 000 stadium and had a decrese of merchandize

This Post:
316977.7 in reply to 316977.6
Date: 11/10/2022 04:48:13
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The item concerning the 4 million arena is in the fourth item (Arena Sponsorships).
For the 4 million it is set at $ 23,809 per week.
If the earnings that dropped from merchandising are in others they shouldn't be affected by buying the 4 million arena (or other figures).
If, on the other hand, that specific item has dropped then it is a bug..

Last edited by Dormouse at 11/10/2022 04:49:32

Anche tu a caccia di "Riconoscimenti"?! Vieni in federazione: Achievements hunters (fedid=19269) (solo per supporter, se non lo sei e hai dubbi chiedi pure, spero di poter esserti di aiuto)
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316977.8 in reply to 316977.7
Date: 11/10/2022 04:50:43
Polisportiva SG
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Ho comprato la struttura prima dell'aggiornamento economico:
07/11/2022 Ampliamento di Palasport Castelli $ 4 000 000 $ 3 947 775
07/11/2022 Stipendi giocatori settimanali $ 123 100 $ 3 824 675
07/11/2022 Stipendi specialisti settimanali $ 63 200 $ 3 761 475
07/11/2022 Stipendi settimanali scouting $ 10 000 $ 3 751 475
07/11/2022 Costo settimanale mantenimento strutture $ 5 000 $ 3 746 475
07/11/2022 Incassi settimanali da merchandising $ 33 571 $ 3 780 046
07/11/2022 Contratto TV settimanale $ 77 511 $ 3 857 557
Categorie del Merchandise Importo ($)
Vendite di squadra $ 12 760
Vendite delle magliette dei giocatori $ 5 193
Draftati & Connazionali $ 6 234
Sponsorizzazioni Palazzetto $ 23 809
Negozio del Merchandise $ 10 000
Totale Merchandise: $ 57 996

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316977.9 in reply to 316977.8
Date: 11/10/2022 04:59:00
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Indeed if he counted the "Arena Sponsorships" and the "Merchandise Store" it should be at $ 33,809, but you only grossed $ 33,571 ..
So there must have been something that didn't go as it should ..
Was the merchandising shop already present on Monday?

You have to wait Justin (or someone to communicate it to him) to get the explanation or correction..

Anche tu a caccia di "Riconoscimenti"?! Vieni in federazione: Achievements hunters (fedid=19269) (solo per supporter, se non lo sei e hai dubbi chiedi pure, spero di poter esserti di aiuto)
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