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What do you think is the difference between Divisions?

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From: France
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Date: 02/19/2024 01:25:10
Manila Ice
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For me, it's like

Division 5 or 6 - You represent just your club. You go fight other clubs for a local competition and win for fun. Basically, they're just playing basketball with a bit of a pocket change and budget.

Division 4 - You represent a street/village and you play other clubs with the same recognition. It would take a 10-minute ride to get from one arena to another but basically still small-scale.

Division 3 - The fresh boys. You'll notice that people are alive and will actively scout you and seek to finish you off. The competition is better. The players train seriously. Everyone competes for that golden trophy. You represent a town.

Division 2 - The big boys. You represent a whole city. No more lazing around as everyone wants to posterize everyone. You'll see All-star level players and even Hall of Famers as a norm in top level clubs. The top clubs destroy their entire league.

Division 1 - You represent a state/region. Everyone will work 48 hours a day just to get that edge over everyone. A bunch of players are in their prime. Club owners vehemently research about tactics and strategies. There's so much games I need to focus in my real life. This is where the big buck corporations stay hoping they get international recognition in the world competition.

What do you think is the difference?

From: E.B.W.

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322673.2 in reply to 322673.1
Date: 02/22/2024 18:33:12
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Second Team:
For me it's like

Division 5 or 6 - You are just playing on the ground with some lemons. Your hands feel sticky because you squeezed one a little bit too hard.

Division 4 - You have some water and a big jar to go along with the lemons but don't have the necessary ingredients or tools to make lemonade yet.

Division 3 - You can run a tiny lemonade stand effectively and make quality B- lemonade for your neighborhood.

Division 2 - Your lemonade recipe has improved and your lemonade is tasty. The business is growing. You've opened up a tiny shop and now offer snacks to go along with your lemonade. You are open 11:00am - 6:00pm five days a week.

Division 1 - You've got yourself a national company, selling lemonade by the butt-load and shipping all over the country to pleasure the lemonade needs of hundreds of thousands of people. Your "lemon cookies" are also off the chain and have nearly doubled your profits.

B3 Competition - Your lemonade competitors come in and make your lemonade that you thought was incredibly tasty and profitable look like piss in a can. You wish you could go back to the days in which you could just roll lemons around on the ground with your somewhat sticky hands.

Bubbles BuzzerBeater Official YouTube Channel:(
From: tough

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322673.3 in reply to 322673.1
Date: 03/02/2024 15:03:09
Mountain Eagles
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Second Team:
Ric Flair Drippers
Division 1--THE NBA. You're working to gain that edge over the competition, have the best coaches, best training staff, best everything. The fans are delirious and mostly fair weather (cough cough Warriors, Lakers, etc). Dependent on your situation you're either on the rise looking to take the throne, you're a middling team trying to stay afloat and make money, or you're bowing out on a rebuilding phase.

Division 2--College Ball (NCAA). Some prominent teams get intense recognition as the people at the top are worried that they'll come into the league and start wreaking havoc. Other times these teams are very young, hungry, ready to compete. More traditional tactics and more traditional strategies. Some experimenting done here and there.

Division 3--Division 2 and Division 3 Hoops. You have the much smaller market teams that have a few diamonds in the rough who can make it up top to the pro level (Div 1). This is where the most experimenting happens here. Much development is happening here as well. You're devising a scheme to get up to the top, as many prominent coaches sometimes start here as well.

Division 4--High School. The new kids. The new people who are hot commodity. Word on the street is that these people are who have next in the bigger leagues. Sometimes once historical teams are put back on the map with the return of a son/relative to the a former Div 1 legend. This is where the building takes place and the hype builds up.

3 Time NBBA Champion. Certified Trainer. Mentor. Have any questions? Feel free to shoot me a BB-Mail!