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Small questions

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From: Bunter
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Date: 04/14/2009 14:35:13
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I did not find any tree suitable for this kind of stupid question.

How are players selected for All Stars Games? It seems that not the best players from any league are selected? Why is this? What is the idea behind the selection?

This Post:
85919.2 in reply to 85919.1
Date: 04/14/2009 14:44:53
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Performance is not the only thing considered - attendance at home games also plays a factor.

NO ONE at this table ordered a rum & Coke
Charles: Penn has some good people
A CT? Really?
Any two will do
Any three for me
Any four will score
Any five are live
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85919.3 in reply to 85919.2
Date: 04/14/2009 16:07:42
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OK, but still, that is not the ultimate answer. There are number of players with very low salary compared to the same possitions within same league, still selected a top 5 place for All Stars Team? I really would like to read what matters and what matters not with those selections.

As far as I undertand now it is the class (priority) within own team? That is not right?

If you have a team with many top class players with similar kind of skills, you will have none of those for the All Stars game?

Or how is it really?

From: /joao

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85919.4 in reply to 85919.3
Date: 04/14/2009 16:53:13
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Like NBA, not always the best ones are selected.

Rashard Lewis and his abnormous contract is an freaking example - only got selected because Magic was rolling.

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85919.5 in reply to 85919.4
Date: 04/14/2009 17:31:23
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Simple question:
Why all of the best players are not selected to All Stars Gmae?

Simple answer appreciated.

From: DireWolf

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85919.6 in reply to 85919.5
Date: 04/14/2009 18:13:30
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The teams aren't just going to be selected by salary.

As Juice has already said, there are a number of factors that go into it. Sometimes "star" players are kept out of regular season games so that they can play in the Cup games and so don't get votes. Sometimes players might play at various positions (C one game, PF the next for example) so their votes are spread throughout multiple positions etc etc

From: Soel

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85919.7 in reply to 85919.5
Date: 04/14/2009 18:38:10
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The simple answer is - there is no simple answer!

There seem to be many factors influencing All-Star voting (disclaimer - all, some or none of these may be right) -
Game rating
Time on the court
How well the other people on your team play (great players will take votes away from your good players)
Your team's winning percentage (no one votes for losing teams - see David Lee!)
High-stat/rating individual games (A night where a player scores 30 points+ might net him more votes than he'd normally get)

The wonderful thing about this game is there are a lot of things going on behind the scenes that no one really knows about. So in short I'm sorry I can't be more helpful - but I don't think there's a definitive answer out there. Unless one of the BB's suffer a brain hemorage and post the source code! (which would actually ruin the magic for me!)

In a few more seasons someone might whip up a database and be able to give a definitive answer.

Last edited by Soel at 04/14/2009 18:40:24

From: jbmcrock

To: RiP
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85919.9 in reply to 85919.8
Date: 04/14/2009 18:53:27
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I do think Charles or another bb mentioned that attendance will play a role (so teams with higher attendance will its players receive more votes, all things being equal).

From: Bunter

To: RiP
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85919.10 in reply to 85919.8
Date: 04/14/2009 20:10:46
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So tell me why there are zero players from the team which is heading the league?

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