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USA - II.3 > season 50...a golden anniversary, a golden opportunity

season 50...a golden anniversary, a golden opportunity

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304885.13 in reply to 304885.12
Date: 06/12/2020 21:33:40
Greensboro Generals
Overall Posts Rated:


your opening montage consist of the high quality competitors crushing down dunks, drilling threes, dishing dimes along with examples of the stout defenses keeping opponents in line.

announcer: after the opening week of action the pecking order is being established. tonight we move one more step in separating the contenders from the pretenders.

in the big blue wrecking crew....

the cacti face a cats club desperate to claw out of a esrly hole

while the other grand canyon club the storm see the generals come to town seeking to validate their existence.

ballstars look to drop the dime on delta nine to keep pace with the two arizona clubs

and the leapers look to gain their first win against a Iguana club seeking to stay in the early discussion

over in club red....

the tigers will try to tame the jests

the bullets look to bump off the mountaineers

advent and exile are looking to better extend their fortunes

and the pistons seek to show the love no love

tonight we look at why the generals are already looking for financial help from above

sybil the soothsayer will be here to give her projections on who is going to be pushed and on who will shove

plus tonights point/counterpoint will discuss what the upcoming rule changes to counteract the over effective nature of inside offenses will consist of.

so no matter if you approve of where your team sits or if you feel the need to improve we will help you get back your groove as its time again for BB2NIGHT!!!

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304885.14 in reply to 304885.12
Date: 06/13/2020 19:49:11
Arizona Cacti
Overall Posts Rated:
...losing my ass at the turnstile! Looks like i missed the boat entirely with my ticket prices and totally overestimated what the sheeple are willing to pay

Unfortunately, this is one of the disadvantages of promoting without winning your league. That adrenaline fueled parade and the ensuing ticket purchasing frenzy by Greensboro fans does not occur. Sure, you do get to come up here and hang out with us wonderful folks but the ticket sales are more comparable to a good regular season where you remained in the same league you been in the previous season.

And as it is, I think that superboost only lasts for the first third of the season anyway.

This Post:
304885.15 in reply to 304885.14
Date: 06/13/2020 21:49:50
Greensboro Generals
Overall Posts Rated:
hopefully i can put it together, but tonight was a example of just how far i have to go. one thing i will not be doing again, running a 2-3, just ass ugly

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304885.16 in reply to 304885.15
Date: 06/13/2020 22:04:38
Arizona Cacti
Overall Posts Rated:
That Kim Fortin is pretty good at basketball. Wonder if I need to start telling people how good he is... *checks US NT roster* Nope, they already know.

Tbh not sure how I won tonight.

This Post:
304885.17 in reply to 304885.16
Date: 06/16/2020 10:46:30
Greensboro Generals
Overall Posts Rated:

Tonight's opening montage concentrates on the slick pass, the give and go, the wraparound behind the back the lob to the cutter breaking down the baseline for a alley oop.

Announcer: As the season settles in for the long haul we can settle down to seeing just who is going to try and contend. Who will try to avoid capitulation and on who is resigned to being condemned to their fate.

In club red....

the Jests continue to wheel and deal but is it just to play the market or is there a endgame in sight. Tonight against the bullets could provide a answer towards this conundrum.

will the tigers continue to roar or are they about to be shown some love?

advent will seek to steady their standing while the pistons are looking to pull away a bit from the pack

and the mountaineers look to send the exiles back towards the mire in a game critical towards each teams current trajectory

off in the blue lagoon....

either the leapers are going to jump back into the mix or drop deeper into dismay. on the other hand the storm looks to continue their surge,

delta 9 looks to cut down the cacti

the generals soap opera continues as the new "rival" ballstars come calling, the real question for management is will the people be showing?

and the cats look to step off the schnide as the iguanas come calling tonight at the legendary Ropp Arena.

Sybil the Soothsayer will seer into her crystal ball. It's another edition of "it's the honest truth" and tonights point/counterpoint will debate the age old question, is it size that matters or on how you use it? So now matter which side you choose, we got a proposition on which you cannot lose as it's time again for BB2NIGHT bought to you tonight by...

Wild Irish Rose... pick the winner, pick the rose, pick the wine everybody knows.

Dutch Masters Cigars...step up to dutch masters and smile, smile , smile


Smith and Wesson...keeping the streets clean since 1852

This Post:
304885.18 in reply to 304885.17
Date: 06/19/2020 22:51:12
Greensboro Generals
Overall Posts Rated:

your opening montage shows examples of teams taking charge. from heads up plays to coaches imploring the combatants to the cheers of the fans.

announcer: as the season surges towards the end of the first phase tonight serves as a opportunity for many to forward thrir narrative.

in big blue

in the battle of the geand canyon state the storm looks to surge into potentially a two game advantage while the cacti looks to spring a surprise to draw even

9 and leapers lock up to try and stay out of the cellar

while the stars and Iguanas stare each other down with the victor looking at a leg up in the proceedings.

and the generals and cats come together with similar stakes

over in club red...

advent goes for the jugular on the jests

the pistons and bullets battle to stay in the upper divison

mountaineers and love look to stay in striking distance

and the tigers and exiles tussel with the top spot at stake

sybil will seer into her crystal ball. we look at the latest rumors and gossip with Mata Hari's skeletons from the closet. tonight's point counterpoint explores the conflict of building from scratch or collecting pieces on the fly, which is the better method to reach that nbba pie in the sky? on that question and on many others we will learn the why! So settle on in with a slice of your favorite pie as its time again for BB2NIGHT!!!

Last edited by Coach Lambini at 06/19/2020 22:52:12

This Post:
304885.19 in reply to 304885.18
Date: 06/20/2020 22:01:45
Arizona Cacti
Overall Posts Rated:
in the battle of the geand canyon state the storm looks to surge into potentially a two game advantage while the cacti looks to spring a surprise to draw even

To be fair, my fans didn't have far to travel, reducing the Storm's homecourt advantage!

This Post:
304885.20 in reply to 304885.19
Date: 06/20/2020 22:14:49
Greensboro Generals
Overall Posts Rated:
cacti wrecked the storms night, well played.

another long night on the road, i was going to tie but talked myself into thinking i could steal one, put forth more effort, had thr right plan on the GDP. and my crew just bumbled along. eighteen turnovers will do you in every time and it totally undermined the overall ok effort of the defensive end. you just got to love BB interpretation on flow. tough league

From: Jason
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304885.21 in reply to 304885.20
Date: 06/23/2020 15:25:06
Arizona Desert Storm
Overall Posts Rated:
( (Because after that screw-job on Saturday night, I am still drinking)

Announcer: Game 6 of this young season should answer a few questions, and probably create a few more!

The Great 8 is highlighted this week with West Side Tigers visiting the Diorite Pistons. Diorite can climb back into the discussion for aiming for the #1 seed, or be locked in as a team simply trying to hold on to a playoff spot.

The Blackgate Exiles will host Bullets Forever in a battle of 3-2 teams. The winner will be well positioned to stay in the playoff race while the loser will have to fight to avoid ending up in a relegation series.

10th Mountaineers need to hold serve at home vs Navajo Nation Advent or their stay in D2 could be in jeopardy!

The New York Jests will be trying to hold on to their position contending for the 1st pick in the draft hosting Internet Love.

In the Big 8the Ballstars host the Desert Storm where one of them will suffer their second loss of the season.

Arizona Cacti will look to hang on to at least share of the 1st seed as they host Issaquah.

The Kentucky Wildcats will earn their 3rd straight win over the tanking Footpath_Leapers jumping back into the playoff hunt.

The Greensboro Generals, undefeated at home, will be going for their 3rd home win of the season over Delta 9. Both teams are 2-3...the loser of this game is going to have an uphill battle the rest of the way.

Good luck to all tonight!

Last edited by Jason at 06/23/2020 15:26:32

This Post:
304885.22 in reply to 304885.21
Date: 06/26/2020 19:33:55
Greensboro Generals
Overall Posts Rated:

Tonight's opening montage features the fans taking in the tailgating scene across the league. From the spitfire grills of the dusty Arizona desert to the well laid spreads of fried chicken with all the fixings at the coliseum lot and other points in between. Of fans cooling themselves in the mist tents, to those getting their groove on to the various bands playing in the parking lot.

Announcer: as the summer settles in the scene outside the arenas is almost as much of a show as the games itself. But in the end the fans flock not just for the fun and food but for the battle. Tonight we complete the first turn of the golden anniversary season and where it is going to lead many of the participants is anybodies guess!

Over in the big blue wreaking crew

the generals seek to taste the flavor of going over the .500 mark for the first time this season against a leapers club still looking for their first taste of victory in the campaign.

the storm looks to have some BBQ iguana for a snack

the cats have their rivals delta 9 dining in this evening

and ballstars will be looking to spoil the cacti supper

over in club red

the bullets will try and give the tigers their first taste of defeat this season

the mountaineers will try to hold home serve against the jests to avoid the unpleasant aftertaste of the cellar

the pistons will seek to serve up some indigestion to the exiles

and love will look to cook up a concoction to derail advent to righting the great 8 race

Sybil the soothsayer will seer into her crystal ball. Keeping with the food theme of the evening we will have a special cookoff at half time all that and much more is in store as it's time again for BB2NGHT!!!

This Post:
304885.23 in reply to 304885.22
Date: 06/30/2020 18:36:36
Greensboro Generals
Overall Posts Rated:

Announcer: tonight we start inter conference play with several interesting matchups and lots of interesting decisions to be made.

The generals have gotten word they can stand down on 10th who seek to save their energy for cup purposes.

Stars and exile will tangle to see which can stay close to the playoffs and on who runs the risk of sliding deeper towards the relegation zone

Leapers and jests get together to embrace the tank

The cacti have a interesting challenge on the road against the pistons

In a battle between teams in 3rd the cats and love come together

Advent looks to deal with delta

The tigers look to take the Iguanas by the tail

And Storm will be looking to dodge the upset minded bullets

We will see what Sybil has to say. Tonight's point counterpoint tackles the conflict of winning in league vs competing in the cup. That and lots more is on the way so don't get stuck as its time again for BB2NIGHT!!!

Last edited by Coach Lambini at 06/30/2020 18:42:14
