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BB England > National Team Debate Thread

National Team Debate Thread (thread closed)

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From: Mr JJ
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297841.15 in reply to 297841.14
Date: 02/04/2019 04:03:13
Bournemouth Drunkers
Overall Posts Rated:
Hey guys!
I know there is not much time left but I want to ask you 2 other questions:

6. What's the main reason you chose to run for us and not for another NT?

7. Have you planned to interact with U21?

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297841.16 in reply to 297841.15
Date: 02/04/2019 07:17:24
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6)I ran the NT in Canada for 1 term (2 seasons). I thought I did an especially good job. With the lack of talent compared to other nations in Americas at that point, I felt a 9-3 record, losing in the semis to the host team Brasil was overachieving as far as I was concerned. The point is, it wet my appetite for more, and unfortunately, I never got the chance to continue as I tied the next election vote to Canada's most famous manager RIP, and the tie went to him because of experience. Eventhough Canada only had one person run this year, I decided to run in another English-speaking nation. I chose to run here because I know you were kind to another Canadian in the past, and I want to have fun with this.

7)Of course. I've looked at some of your potential u21 players this year, and several of them have atleast MVP potential. This means that of course interaction with you is super important. Since we lack managers compared to other BB beast nations, with your help, we need to try to convince these types of players to be trained for not only u21, but to continue on after u21 and try to build up the stable. As my other answers suggested.. "leave no stone unturned"... that includes communicating with the u21.

Thank you for your questions.

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297841.18 in reply to 297841.17
Date: 02/04/2019 17:54:00
Bournemouth Drunkers
Overall Posts Rated:
Thank you both for the complete answer!!