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Malaysia - I.1 > A long and winding road

A long and winding road

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From: Aro King

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183958.4 in reply to 183958.3
Date: 5/5/2011 11:50:43 PM
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No doubt the attendance in div II is as you said, ugly. But on the other hand our roster wages will also drop significantly as we will not be that highly competitive. If I happen to drop down to div II, I would for the first 3 seasons just focus on training the trainees, hence possibly even throwing games just so the trainees get the necessary playtime.

At the end it's all about priorities. I should have done this for the last 6 seasons as there was no way my team could have compete with Spaz or NoT. On hindsight, if I had done that 6 seasons ago, I would have amassed quite a cashpile and possessed a bunch of super trainees. Then only would I race for the summit.