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272429.3 in reply to 272429.2
Date: 08/05/2015 10:28:38
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Yeah, haven't been on the offsite in awhile. Is the offsite still kicking I might ask? I remember you had a stud PG on the U21.

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272429.4 in reply to 272429.3
Date: 08/05/2015 11:50:20
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Offsite is alive and well. Lively discussions around training and game planning, especially lately as this was the 3rd Worlds season in a row where we were in the Finals game.

Yea, I trained up one of the best inside PGs for the U21 team who played in seasons 28 and 29. By the end of season 29 his skills were, 8/8/17/14/13/15---11/10/3/1. It was a whole lot of fun though he's no longer with my team anymore. Had another player on my Utopia squad, who's currently for sale, play on the U21 team this past season and I'm hoping to have some players on the team next season as well.

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272429.5 in reply to 272429.3
Date: 08/05/2015 12:12:37
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Hah, I just noticed you had put a bid on my former U21 SF, Jamie Peoples, who is up for sale.

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272429.6 in reply to 272429.5
Date: 08/06/2015 19:34:23
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Yeah, he fits nicely with my training plans this season. Hopefully he stays under 1.5mill

From: quain
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272429.7 in reply to 272429.6
Date: 08/12/2015 20:21:22
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Well, 2-0 start in III.4 for me, granted by a margin of only 10 points. Surprisingly, i managed to score a decent big fairly cheap. Looks like the same old suspects down here, Biff gonna make that push? California?

From: A Warrior

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272429.8 in reply to 272429.7
Date: 08/13/2015 17:16:53
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I actually decided that I'm going to spend another season down here just training my young guys and saving up so may the best team win and be gone from this league!

From: Biffaldo

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272429.9 in reply to 272429.7
Date: 08/13/2015 20:24:08
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Might have to acquire one more big gun. we'll see. Still training some young guys.

From: quain
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272429.10 in reply to 272429.9
Date: 08/14/2015 00:12:55
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good luck to both of you! i am a bit worried the 2 wins are an illusion, but i had ID/RB on my bigs, and some great outside gamers in Mcneil/Scuderi/Carotta and then Brcanski for non trainee spot.
2 more pops in Mcneil and he will be at 114 sp. i do think he has capped though cause its been 6+ weeks with no pops:|
i will get him his last 2 pops god dammit if it is the last thing i do!
best of luck to you both! time for you to win it all biff!

From: quain
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272429.11 in reply to 272429.10
Date: 08/24/2015 22:48:19
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Somehow i have managed to push it t 5-0. I added another big to start and push Guido to backup. So far so well, although i expect a crash back to earth anytime only middle of the pack when it comes to salary, although Mcneil and Scuderi are proving they can hold his own against guys 2x there salary

Last edited by quain at 08/24/2015 22:48:36

From: Biffaldo

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272429.12 in reply to 272429.11
Date: 08/25/2015 16:09:45
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Take 5-0 and run, I'm gonna. The league seems to be in transition. Some teams are finding they can't support these huge salaries at this level. I think others are playing possum. Thanks for checking in from time to time.

From: A Warrior

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272429.13 in reply to 272429.11
Date: 08/26/2015 02:23:05
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That's an awesome start. Especially since you only made minor roster adjustments. Looks like you ran into a pretty tough team based off of who that guy has for sale now. Hope you can keep up the winning ways!
