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Just Gonna Be Friendly...

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From: JordonJ

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239052.4 in reply to 239052.3
Date: 03/21/2013 16:33:38
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I haven't even focused too much on my staff right now.... I'm just going to play with the prices of seats a little and see how much upgrades I'm going to do to get more cash. Yeah I've been playing without a true center and only 1 decent PF all of last season. So I've been trying to load up on some forwards and find a big man.

In my brackets I've only got either Louisville or Indiana winning it...praying I can win some cash on a few of these picks. Just my favorite I can see a lot of other teams winning it as well. My final 4 is Louisville, Indiana, UF, and OSU. I got KU losing to UNC....maybe a little bias in there haha but Carolina is starting to play really well and if those guards are knocking down shots they are tough.

I actually haven't watched a lot of Mavericks this season...and it looks like the playoffs are out of reach. Collision was pretty good at the beginning of the season then went through a slump and lost the starting role to Fisher when he was still here and now Mike a lot of expiring contracts at the end of the season, hope Collision stays.

From: Transky

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239052.5 in reply to 239052.4
Date: 03/21/2013 19:52:19
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Yeah, I probably shouldn't have worried about them too much either. I just wanted to get a good trainer because I had two really good prospects, but I should have figured out what I was doing first haha. My two big guys are both preferably PF's, but they both have pretty good center stats too.

I had the exact same final four except I have Michigan instead of UF. I think IU will win it all though, although I'm biased there as well. I played against a few of their players in high school so I want to be able to say I've played against NCAA champions haha.

And I getcha. Collison was honestly one of my favorite players on the Pacers before he left because whether he's playing well or not he's always giving 100% on the court. I really appreciated that from him. Hopefully he plays well off the bench for y'all.

From: JordonJ

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239052.6 in reply to 239052.5
Date: 03/23/2013 12:12:34
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Yea, we're both doing pretty good so far. I think either one of us should win the league since we are already a season established.

My bracket is so screwed. A lot of mild upsets, and I could see Indiana winning..they have a powerful front line.

From: Transky

This Post:
239052.7 in reply to 239052.6
Date: 03/24/2013 19:54:04
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My bracket is pretty much screwed too.

And yeah, we're both practically at the top of the league. Not that somebody else couldn't buy a good player or two and take us by storm, but at this rate it's probably going to be between us.

Best of luck man. If only other people would look in here and we could get the thread to grow haha

From: JordonJ

This Post:
239052.8 in reply to 239052.7
Date: 03/28/2013 21:48:39
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Yeah, the rest of the tourney is going to be crazy....Getting ready to see the IU anad Cuse game now...good luck to them.

Oh and good game the other night...barely got past you. Your boys beat me up in the paint. Thankfully my guards pulled me through in the end.

Besides us, the guy who bumped the old thread, and The88s guy are the only active in this league. Oh well.

From: Transky

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239052.9 in reply to 239052.8
Date: 03/28/2013 23:20:45
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IU's down now but hopefully they pull it off... They've been really sloppy.

And yeah I noticed that. The difference? I CT'd and you didn't, and you still beat me haha. It was a good game though. My perimeter players just couldn't keep up with yours at all. Probably a good look at what the playoff matchup will be though.

Is there a way to let them know this thread is here? Because I know it's easy to miss if they're not looking...

From: JordonJ

This Post:
239052.10 in reply to 239052.9
Date: 03/30/2013 21:08:37
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Yeah Syracuse zone beat em up. Are they losing a lot of guys next season? You think Zeller is coming back? I personally think he could use another year...

And I still have to come to your place...should be another good game.

I sent them a Private message...we'll see who comes.

Last edited by JordonJ at 03/30/2013 21:09:31

From: Billy
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239052.11 in reply to 239052.1
Date: 03/30/2013 21:36:49
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Hey guys,

Last year was my first year on BuzzerBeater. But I must say I'm on BB a bunch now.

I live in Florida and I don't really watch real basketball because I hate how the rules don't apply to all players. But I do love the NFL and MLB. Go Rays and sadly.... Go Jags but I love my teams. I'm 24 and graduated from USF. I feel like I'm in AA or in an interview lol

Not on forums very much but I do use them to find out information on anything! Rattlers and Dr. Trans, I couldn't get past you guys last season!

From: Transky

This Post:
239052.12 in reply to 239052.11
Date: 03/30/2013 23:08:30
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It just looks like nobody in the tournament can handle Syracuse's zone. It's unbelievable how well they run it. I remember loving playing against the zone in high school, but playing against them would definitely change my mind haha.

Is IU? Yeah, they're losing two senior starters in Christian Watford and Jordan Hulls. Zeller should definitely stay another year and refine his game a bit. Oladipo is probably more NBA ready than Zeller, but I wouldn't be surprised if he stuck around another year. They could both go either way really.

And yeah, it should be a good game the next time we meet. Your guys shoot to well for me to play my 2-3 zone so that will have to go haha.

And now to wrlay88, nice to see you on here. It sounds like we're all about in the same boat being second year managers and all. Your team definitely isn't bad either. Honestly, most teams that I go against I don't worry about at all, but both the 88's and the Rattlers get me a little worried every time haha.

Also, as a Pacer fan, I have to say our bandwagon is always open :P

Sidenote, I hate how my team lost one game and it was really close... and my attendance dropped by about 20% the next game we played. Really? Needless to say we have dedicated fans haha

Last edited by Transky at 03/30/2013 23:12:27

From: JordonJ
This Post:
239052.13 in reply to 239052.11
Date: 04/01/2013 00:49:08
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Welcome wrlay.

Yeah BB is a bit addicting. I wasn't on as much either last season but that has changed..probably why my team didn't finish so well lol. I don't watch the slightest of NFL...just bores me compared to the college game. And I hate baseball period. You did beat me last season...don't think I game planned for that one. But oh well.

And living in South FL must really be awesome....I'm still waiting for it to feel like spring here. =/


I really didn't think Cuse had the offensive power to go against IU, but IU guards couldn't get them out of that zone. I personally love playing against zones....since I am a shooter, sit in my corner and just spot up. And if Zeller comes back I think he will be a beast for you guys with the experience he already has.

And who would've expected that none of the powers would be in the final 4? UCLA, UK, IU, Duke, UNC, Kansas. etc. That's crazy.

Lol transky looks like your fans are as fair weathered as Heat fans. haha
I'm trying to get a little bit more cash so I can expand...I think I'm one of the only active players in the league who hasn't expanded yet.

Last edited by JordonJ at 04/01/2013 00:53:15

From: Transky

This Post:
239052.14 in reply to 239052.13
Date: 04/01/2013 03:10:15
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Same here when it comes to the zone. I played point guard so it was always easy to swing the ball and get open looks outside.

And I agree, if Zeller returned he'd easily be one of the most dominant players in the country. Almost like how he was supposed to be this year haha.

This tournament has been downright crazy. I'm pulling for Michigan now though. They're representing the Big 10 and I'm a huge Trey Burke fan. He's nothing short of a phenomenal player.

And you're right about my fans. It's really kind of disappointing they'd ditch after that great of a game.

I'm not sure if I've expanded my arena or not. I can't really remember. I'm just worried about getting some money in the first place more than anything now though
