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IV.64 Game Day Recaps

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From: Tryme79
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295216.4 in reply to 295216.3
Date: 07/24/2018 22:26:50
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IV.64 Game Day #2 Recaps

Wow. A new team might be able to prove themselves after all after their performance today. Lets get to the recaps!

Hard2Guard @ Boyton Birdseye
Another result I was totally not expecting. Despite their best efforts, the Birdseye fell short 91-99 in crunch time. I was thinking that H2G would win by atleast 20, especially against a relatively new team, but lets not forget the Birdseye were at home. We'll have to see what happens when these teams meet again. Birdseye will look to pick up a quality win despite coming up short in their home opener, which turned out to be a cliffhanger despite only 3.7k people attending. Next up, Hard@Guard returns home to face the Jersey Blazing Heat, while the Birdseye go back on the road against What Ever.

Gators @ Nothing Was The Same
Unsurprisingly, the Gators ripped their computer opponent apart winning big on the road 147-74 behind a great offensive effort from every player. Next up, the Gators come home to host the WildHoochieKoos.

Heat Nation @ Jersey Blazing Heat
After taking a quick look at the score, I quickly determined who the best Heat team is. Any guesses? Jersey won easily 121-78. That's your only hint. Jersey goes on the road against Hard2Guard on Saturday.

GAME OF THE WEEK! Big Beavers @ Snake Panthers
The Snakes did what they could but got overwhelmed and lost 90-110. This marks their 2nd big loss and they will look to regain footing in the league. The Panthers top scorer pitched in 32 points, but the Beavers matched that with a 32 point scorer of their own to win big on the road. Overall, the Beavers got big plays from almost all their players, while the Panthers made 4 players sit the entire time. The Beavers dominated on rebounds, assists, made FGs, and assist to turnover ratio. The Beavers stand at 2-0 but have only gone through the bottomfeeders in the league. They have yet to prove themselves yet as they'll face the Gators, Bombers, and Koos eventually. The Snake's only hope left is to secure the wins against the CPU teams and maybe catch a break against the Koos or Bombers. The Beavers return home to face Nothing Was The Same, while the Panthers go back on road against to face, oh gosh, the Bombers.

The Barack Oballers @ The Duck City Ninjas
I'm glad I didn't make this the game of the week, because I crushed the Oballers much more than I thought. I was very confident of a win, but not by that much 116-65. Ouch. One big thing to note is that they usually get to the foul line alot, but this time, they only attempted 6 free throws. I think that's the lowest amount they've attempted in atleast 3 seasons. Next up, the Oballers return home to face the Clemson Cavs, and my Ninjas go back on the road @ Heat Nation.

BPE.Bombers @ Jammin Devils
Nothing much to note, the Bombers beat a CPU team big time as usual. Bombers host the struggling Panthers next.

Appleton Club de Sport @ WildHoochieKoos
The Koos are back on track beatign a CPU team easily. They are @ Gators.

What Ever @ Clemson Cavs
Tbh, the Cavs are still a contender for the championship, but they really need to do better than they did against H2G. We'll see how they can handle the top once they host me in a couple weeks. Anyway, the Cavs are @ Barack Oballers on Saturday.

These games went as expected except for H2G nearly losing to the Birdseye. Previews for the next games will be on Friday(or earlier, if I get bored and have nothing else to do)!

From: Tryme79
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295216.5 in reply to 295216.4
Date: 07/29/2018 18:20:12
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IV.64 Game Day #3 Recaps

Where's Rob? I need power rankings! Anyway, lets see what happened.

Cleveland Cavs @ Barack Oballers
The Cavs are now 2-1 while the Oballers are 0-3. The Cavs won 93-60, and I do agree with the Birdseye that the Oballers are basically a computer team at this point. Anyway, nothing big despite the crushing defeat. Next on the list, Clemson hosts Heat Nation while the Oballers are on the road against the Birdseye.

Snake River Panthers @ BPE.Bombers
Wow. The Panthers got their butts kicked. I figured the Bombers would win, but not that much. The Panthers are now a struggling team in the bottom division. We'll see if they can regroup. The Panthers will return home to face Appleton, while the Bombers are back on the road against Nothing Was the Same.

The Duck City Ninjas @ Heat Nation
Tilge dropped 60 points. My goodness. We host Hard2Guard next.

Nothing Was The Same @ Big Beavers
Beaver beat a CPU, shocking. They're @ WildHoochieKoos on Tuesday.

Jersey Blazing Heat @ Hard2Guard
Welcome to Division 4, courtesy of getting your butt whooped against H2G. The Heat had no chance on the road against the top team in the division. Next on the list, the Heat are home vs Whatever, while H2G goes on the road against the Ninjas.

GAME OF THE WEEK! WildHoochieKoos @ Gators
The Koos needed a big win, but they couldn't do it. The Koos in my opinion have fallen to the bottom spot of the playoffs, behind the Beavers, ahead of the Panthers. The Gators can and will give other teams a run for their money come playoff time. Next up, the Koos host the Beavers, while the Gators are @ Jammin Devils.

Boyton Birdseye @ Whatever
As usual, the Birdseye beat a CPU team big time. Next item is hosting the Oballers.

That's all folks. Previews are coming tomorrow!

From: Tryme79

This Post:
295216.6 in reply to 295216.5
Date: 07/31/2018 22:18:56
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IV.64 Game Day #4 Recaps

2 very interesting games that lived up to the hype. Lets see what happened!

The Barack Oballers @ Boyton Birdseye
The Birdseye completely destroyed the Oballers. I expected them to win, but not by that much of a margin. The Oballers are now 0-4. Next, the Oballers host H2G, while the Birdseye are @ Duck City Ninjas.

BPE.Bombers @ Nothing Was The Same
Bombers winning against a CPU team, shocking... They remain on the road with a huge game @ Gators.

Whatever @ Jersey Blazing Heat
The Heat one unsurprisingly, though Whatever did put up a decent amount of points for a loss. Jersey remains at home to face the Cavs.

GAME OF THE WEEK! Hard2Guard @ The Duck City Ninjas
This game lived up to be a nailbiter, but somehow, someway, I was able to win 113-107. Despite a major disadvantage in free throws and assists, the # of turnovers proved to be the difference. I'll see you soon dude, back in your place. Next up, Hard2Guards remains on the road to face the Oballers, while the Ninjas remain home to host the Boyton Birdseye.

Gators @ Jammin Devils
The Gators offense did what they wanted with 146 points. Wow. Next item of business is hosting the Bombers, which'll be fun!

SEMI GAME OF THE WEEK! Big Beavers @ WildHoochieKoos
Despite being down double digits at times, the Beavers managed to get a game tying 3 with 4 seconds left to force OT and subsequently win the game in the extra session. The Koos have disappointed me this season. The least they could've done was win vs the Beavers. I hate to be hard on the Koos, but they need to get their butts together and hope they can pick up big wins against the Birdseye, Heat, Oballers, and the Ninjas. The Beavers are now 4-0 with another incredible performance.

Heat Nation @ Clemson Cavs
The Cavs beat another team and are going strong after a huge loss at the season opener. Next, they're on the road against the Jersey Blazing Heat.

Notes: The Birdseye. The margin they beat the Oballers by is completely shocking. All I have to say is I'll have to be careful when we play each other this coming Saturday. They are a strong team and can maybe make some noise in the playoffs. It's really saddening to see the Koos stand at 1-3 and recover after a huge loss like this. As stated before, they'll have a chance against some of the Great 8 teams. Bombers @ Gators, another #2 vs #1, can't wait!

That's all to say, previews for the 6th set of games will arrive on Friday(maybe earlier, you'll just have to wait and see!)

From: Rexo

This Post:
295216.7 in reply to 295216.6
Date: 07/31/2018 22:39:21
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Hopefully my point guard is back for time when we play, and that’ll be an extremely nice game!

From: Tryme79

To: Rexo
This Post:
295216.8 in reply to 295216.7
Date: 07/31/2018 22:55:43
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Well, if he isn't back, I made up for it since I lost my starting SF in the final minutes of my nailbiter against H2G. We'll see what happens!