IV.32 Great 8

Last 8 league games

Last 8 league games

Last 8 league games

Last 8 league games

Last 8 league games

Last 8 league games

Last 8 league games

Last 8 league games
Sneak Peek
Season Schedule
03/09/2024 06:00:00  Holy~Cow  紫黑國王  111 - 106
03/09/2024 06:00:00  Home of Galaxy  umaga  102 - 104
03/09/2024 06:00:00  Wanan Bold  懷特流星  103 - 101
03/09/2024 06:00:00  幻影旅團  Night Owl  93 - 115
03/12/2024 06:00:00  umaga  Wanan Bold  104 - 131
03/12/2024 06:00:00  懷特流星  幻影旅團  108 - 105
03/12/2024 06:00:00  Night Owl  Holy~Cow  131 - 137
03/12/2024 06:00:00  紫黑國王  Home of Galaxy  100 - 98
03/16/2024 06:00:00  幻影旅團  umaga  101 - 100
03/16/2024 06:00:00  Wanan Bold  紫黑國王  125 - 129
03/16/2024 06:00:00  Holy~Cow  懷特流星  102 - 98
03/16/2024 06:00:00  Home of Galaxy  Night Owl  94 - 120
03/19/2024 06:00:00  紫黑國王  幻影旅團  122 - 120
03/19/2024 06:00:00  umaga  Holy~Cow  108 - 123
03/19/2024 06:00:00  懷特流星  Home of Galaxy  108 - 105
03/19/2024 06:00:00  Night Owl  Wanan Bold  101 - 117
03/23/2024 06:00:00  懷特流星  紫黑國王  112 - 121
03/23/2024 06:00:00  Night Owl  umaga  131 - 112
03/23/2024 06:00:00  幻影旅團  Home of Galaxy  137 - 132
03/23/2024 06:00:00  Wanan Bold  Holy~Cow  113 - 117
03/26/2024 06:00:00  紫黑國王  Night Owl  100 - 113
03/26/2024 06:00:00  umaga  懷特流星  101 - 114
03/26/2024 06:00:00  Holy~Cow  幻影旅團  124 - 120
03/26/2024 06:00:00  Home of Galaxy  Wanan Bold  98 - 121
03/30/2024 06:00:00  umaga  紫黑國王  104 - 118
03/30/2024 06:00:00  Home of Galaxy  Holy~Cow  110 - 137
03/30/2024 06:00:00  幻影旅團  Wanan Bold  110 - 121
03/30/2024 06:00:00  Night Owl  懷特流星  125 - 117
04/02/2024 06:00:00  redbox  幻影旅團  108 - 116
04/02/2024 06:00:00  ImKusa  紫黑國王  118 - 112
04/02/2024 06:00:00  mythology  umaga  114 - 106
04/02/2024 06:00:00  LWindy City  懷特流星  122 - 118
04/02/2024 06:00:00  z820714  Night Owl  96 - 121
04/02/2024 06:00:00  KamenRider Blade  Holy~Cow  122 - 121
04/02/2024 06:00:00  快來陪我玩  Home of Galaxy  150 - 145
04/02/2024 06:00:00  Fuyüantsuan Freighters  Wanan Bold  111 - 106
04/06/2024 06:00:00  紫黑國王  mythology  113 - 112
04/06/2024 06:00:00  umaga  LWindy City  99 - 134
04/06/2024 06:00:00  Night Owl  KamenRider Blade  96 - 95
04/06/2024 06:00:00  Holy~Cow  快來陪我玩  129 - 132
04/06/2024 06:00:00  Home of Galaxy  Fuyüantsuan Freighters  104 - 117
04/06/2024 06:00:00  Wanan Bold  redbox  120 - 127
04/06/2024 06:00:00  幻影旅團  ImKusa  105 - 107
04/06/2024 06:00:00  懷特流星  z820714  119 - 114
04/09/2024 06:00:00  LWindy City  紫黑國王  123 - 114
04/09/2024 06:00:00  z820714  umaga  116 - 131
04/09/2024 06:00:00  KamenRider Blade  懷特流星  142 - 149
04/09/2024 06:00:00  快來陪我玩  Night Owl  113 - 125
04/09/2024 06:00:00  Fuyüantsuan Freighters  Holy~Cow  119 - 125
04/09/2024 06:00:00  redbox  Home of Galaxy  121 - 115
04/09/2024 06:00:00  ImKusa  Wanan Bold  108 - 93
04/09/2024 06:00:00  mythology  幻影旅團  135 - 131
04/13/2024 06:00:00  紫黑國王  z820714  116 - 118
04/13/2024 06:00:00  umaga  KamenRider Blade  94 - 109
04/13/2024 06:00:00  懷特流星  快來陪我玩  103 - 120
04/13/2024 06:00:00  Holy~Cow  redbox  119 - 125
04/13/2024 06:00:00  Home of Galaxy  ImKusa  88 - 115
04/13/2024 06:00:00  Wanan Bold  mythology  99 - 116
04/13/2024 06:00:00  幻影旅團  LWindy City  103 - 113
04/13/2024 06:00:00  Night Owl  Fuyüantsuan Freighters  90 - 106
04/16/2024 06:00:00  mythology  Home of Galaxy  130 - 119
04/16/2024 06:00:00  KamenRider Blade  紫黑國王  99 - 118
04/16/2024 06:00:00  快來陪我玩  umaga  131 - 122
04/16/2024 06:00:00  Fuyüantsuan Freighters  懷特流星  130 - 107
04/16/2024 06:00:00  redbox  Night Owl  96 - 104
04/16/2024 06:00:00  ImKusa  Holy~Cow  105 - 119
04/16/2024 06:00:00  LWindy City  Wanan Bold  104 - 106
04/16/2024 06:00:00  z820714  幻影旅團  110 - 116
04/20/2024 06:00:00  umaga  Fuyüantsuan Freighters  100 - 119
04/20/2024 06:00:00  懷特流星  redbox  90 - 115
04/20/2024 06:00:00  Night Owl  ImKusa  99 - 110
04/20/2024 06:00:00  Holy~Cow  mythology  105 - 118
04/20/2024 06:00:00  Home of Galaxy  LWindy City  96 - 118
04/20/2024 06:00:00  Wanan Bold  z820714  118 - 110
04/20/2024 06:00:00  幻影旅團  KamenRider Blade  113 - 114
04/20/2024 06:00:00  紫黑國王  快來陪我玩  149 - 146
04/27/2024 06:00:00  LWindy City  Holy~Cow  104 - 113
04/27/2024 06:00:00  KamenRider Blade  Wanan Bold  99 - 120
04/27/2024 06:00:00  Fuyüantsuan Freighters  紫黑國王  113 - 125
04/27/2024 06:00:00  redbox  umaga  115 - 106
04/27/2024 06:00:00  ImKusa  懷特流星  113 - 128
04/27/2024 06:00:00  mythology  Night Owl  119 - 133
04/27/2024 06:00:00  z820714  Home of Galaxy  116 - 111
04/27/2024 06:00:00  快來陪我玩  幻影旅團  116 - 118
04/30/2024 06:00:00  紫黑國王  redbox  108 - 109
04/30/2024 06:00:00  懷特流星  mythology  101 - 98
04/30/2024 06:00:00  Night Owl  LWindy City  113 - 115
04/30/2024 06:00:00  Holy~Cow  z820714  113 - 121
04/30/2024 06:00:00  Home of Galaxy  KamenRider Blade  109 - 133
04/30/2024 06:00:00  Wanan Bold  快來陪我玩  119 - 121
04/30/2024 06:00:00  幻影旅團  Fuyüantsuan Freighters  125 - 119
04/30/2024 06:00:00  umaga  ImKusa  105 - 124
05/04/2024 06:00:00  紫黑國王  Holy~Cow  103 - 121
05/04/2024 06:00:00  umaga  Home of Galaxy  104 - 119
05/04/2024 06:00:00  懷特流星  Wanan Bold  104 - 119
05/04/2024 06:00:00  Night Owl  幻影旅團  114 - 110
05/07/2024 06:00:00  Wanan Bold  umaga  110 - 108
05/07/2024 06:00:00  幻影旅團  懷特流星  104 - 121
05/07/2024 06:00:00  Holy~Cow  Night Owl  111 - 116
05/07/2024 06:00:00  Home of Galaxy  紫黑國王  121 - 133
05/11/2024 06:00:00  umaga  幻影旅團  142 - 144
05/11/2024 06:00:00  紫黑國王  Wanan Bold  127 - 137
05/11/2024 06:00:00  懷特流星  Holy~Cow  98 - 116
05/11/2024 06:00:00  Night Owl  Home of Galaxy  105 - 108
05/14/2024 06:00:00  幻影旅團  紫黑國王  99 - 118
05/14/2024 06:00:00  Holy~Cow  umaga  123 - 126
05/14/2024 06:00:00  Home of Galaxy  懷特流星  130 - 135
05/14/2024 06:00:00  Wanan Bold  Night Owl  101 - 121
05/18/2024 06:00:00  紫黑國王  懷特流星  114 - 113
05/18/2024 06:00:00  umaga  Night Owl  86 - 113
05/18/2024 06:00:00  Home of Galaxy  幻影旅團  101 - 116
05/18/2024 06:00:00  Holy~Cow  Wanan Bold  127 - 149
05/21/2024 06:00:00  Night Owl  紫黑國王  104 - 118
05/21/2024 06:00:00  懷特流星  umaga  94 - 96
05/21/2024 06:00:00  幻影旅團  Holy~Cow  109 - 111
05/21/2024 06:00:00  Wanan Bold  Home of Galaxy  105 - 89
05/25/2024 06:00:00  紫黑國王  umaga  128 - 119
05/25/2024 06:00:00  Holy~Cow  Home of Galaxy  119 - 117
05/25/2024 06:00:00  Wanan Bold  幻影旅團  121 - 127
05/25/2024 06:00:00  懷特流星  Night Owl  96 - 114