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World Cup 2018

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From: Benovic

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294400.15 in reply to 294400.14
Date: 7/6/2018 6:52:53 PM
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France- Belgium ! Well done guys but your competition is over 😉

From: mplume

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294400.18 in reply to 294400.17
Date: 7/12/2018 3:59:53 AM
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I don't agree. France played it very well. There were more nicer moves to watch coming from France than Belgium and also more shoots on target.

They've won the match defensively and tactically but it's also part of football. It's sad for us but they deserved their win.

This Post:
294400.20 in reply to 294400.19
Date: 7/12/2018 7:39:15 AM
Kelmis Spartans
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Second Team:
Eupen Scythe
Oh, please. Exactly as it was said before the game, "may the best team win". And guess what ? It did. Of course France played Mourinho style, but they can, because their defense is almost impossible to break. They also don't make any mistake when they play their counter-attack, it's fast and precise. Their Griezmann - Mbappe duo allows for a lot of pace in their counters.

If Belgium had played like that, we would have been down by more than one, because our defense isn't as good as France's, and mostly because we do so many technical fouls while playing, which they don't. Dembele alone lost more balls than all french players did in that game. Look at Kante vs Witsel e.g. (both playing defensive midfield).

That's not pleasing to see ? That sure is not. They have 40 % possession, but in the end they had by far the best opportunities. When we were down 1 goal, be had the ball for almost 40 minutes undisputed. Result ? 2 attempts on goal, one on target, and the other off, and a free kick we should have been awarded for a Giroud fault on Hazard on the 80'. That's it. Meanwhile, France had twice ans many shots on target + Giroud squandered an unbelievable amound of worthwhile passes from his teammates. Not to mention we gathered 2 bookings for annihilating promising french counter-attacks (which was well played btw).

So France displayed a lack of fair-play (Mbappe), showed horrible possession, and and their center forward only 30 meters away from their own goal, but this tactics suit their strengths and we have no right to claim "they played horrible". We should have proven them wrong by beating them, which we weren't unable to do. Lukaku and De Bruyne were invisible, Chadli was harmless, Hazard did his best but was alone. This is all at France's credit.

If we had played the same way than they did, we would have ended with the same result, but no chances at all instead of the few we had.

Please, stop thinking we were better because of harmlessly passing the ball left and right 40 meters in front of the french goal.

That being said, the french are disgraceful in victory, but that we already knew, that doesn't come as a surprise. But what does indeed come as a surprise, is some comments by Coutois criticising the their tactics (once again, they play with their strengths) or Hazard claiming he'd rather lose with Belgium than win with France playing as it is : Sorry, what was that ?? As a professionnal, you want to win, no matter how, no matter what you need to do. Everyone will recall a World Cup win, how it was achieved matters little. I'm sorry to hear this lack of professionnalism from our greatest player.

What they are doing right now is basically what Holland was doing in the second half of the '90 decades, they were absolutely wonderful and had one of the best teams on Earth, but failed to deliver when it mattered.

Maybe another explanation would be that beating Brazil took a lot of physical and psychological ressources away, and there was too little left to repeat a miracle (because the Brazil win was a miracle at the lights of the second half).

I hope they win the third place, but if they keep on defending so poorly on set pieces, they'll go down because England are almost only dangerous playing them.