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Project NT

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275489.10 in reply to 275489.9
Date: 11/27/2015 16:03:43
Overall Posts Rated:
Hrm I do see your overall point but I am still skeptical about some aspects. Lots to think about and test out ! Thanks for the great insider info!

If you keep the OD too low (<6-7) - all players will be burn you as the game tactic will adjust to take advantage of the mismatch so it should be worth to ensure that the opponent has to play a balanced games rather than just abusing your main weaknesses.

If waiting until the later years to plug the secondary holes then one must sacrifice game shape as you'd want to play the player in his natural position for the key game and then play him again out of position to train him. This feels like a poor strategy (especially with the new changes).

I still feel that one would maximize the utility of a high potential player by first creating an all-around base and then playing him in position as to get pops for his primaries. You'd reach high levels during his prime and be able to maximize both use and cost.

Last edited by Randy Maus at 11/27/2015 16:29:08

This Post:
275489.11 in reply to 275489.10
Date: 11/27/2015 16:29:13
white snake
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Black Forest Boars
I still feel that one would maximize the utility of a high potential player by first creating an all-around base and then playing him in position as to get pops for his primaries. You'd reach high levels during his prime and be able to maximize both use and cost.

That's for the average height players. But from a certain point onwards, some skills collied with the height. Passing is insanly benefited from height and the elastic effect. I trained a guy who had 7 ups in 9 weeks. In the Bundesliga is a SF who had 9 ups in 11 weeks. And currently one of our managers trains a C and he had 7 ups in 8 weeks or so.
But OD and often JR are a desaster if they are to low from the beginning. DR 1, HA 1, even JS 1 are skills which can be handled, OD and JR can't. The effort you would put in, will never give you the same amount of benefits back.

If you keep the OD too low (<6-7) - all players will be burn you as the game tactic will adjust to take advantage of the mismatch

OD has (almost) no effect inside the paint. Same goes for JS and JR. These skills are part of the calculation starting from edge of the paint. Zone can be used to hid such weaknesses. Not totaly, but most of it.

I still feel that one would maximize the utility of a high potential player by first creating an all-around base and then playing him in position as to get pops for his primaries.

Yes, I agree. And here we have an important point: maximize utility and train the fastest way or train for the U21 AND NT can be diffrent things. What I'm saying is, that there are many ways to achieve 130+ total skill points. I saw and mentored some of them. Every way has its benefits and disadvantages (e.g. Pot 10 player capped with 24 years). In the end it's up to the manager which way he/she will choose.

This Post:
275489.12 in reply to 275489.11
Date: 12/02/2015 12:45:48
white snake
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Black Forest Boars
It's time for a little overview.
Often it's an issue that there is no defined target. It doesn't matter if we take RL or BB. You start something doing and you don't know exactly what you want, so you just do something and time passes by. That's the same problem with trainees. After the draft I evaluate my draftees and decide after 2-3 days what I will do (set a target). I fire them or they receive training. Sometimes they hit the TL. But all of this happens before the first game.
I want to do something similar to it. I want a target for you guys. The NT. And everyone with a draftee/trainee pot 9 or higher can participate.
My idea ist that there will be a list with the current NT players and the prospects. I already posted some of the players further down. After the draft, you can decide if you want to train your high pot player towards the NT. Just post here or write me a mail. I will post your guy(s) on the list and from that point on, they will be watched.
You have to come up with a training plan. You can have your own ideas or/and discuss and get input from the other managers. Your skill sets can be standard or absolutly crazy. The important part will always be, that you, as a community, have the target to strenghten your team. If 3-4 managers decide to take part in this project every season, than there will be a huge player pool with around 25-30 players for every season. And with this the NT will be able to play on a higher level and use every tactic.

NT pool / monitored players:

Hulten (22673709)
Akersten (23628505)
Sommarborg (22673873)
Martinsson (26026001)
Persson (24959587)
Carlsson (24959253)
Mazzolini (26311479)
Tunggard (26311181)
Sandbom (26311732)
Gilland (26311336)

Tuikkala (27460888)
Molner (27460754)
Claesson (27461066)

Tjädermo (28622932)
Widerström (28622847)
Everland (28622993)
Adolfsson (29885532)

Öby (29885591)

Fredriksson (30857798)
Svensson (30858568)
Forslund (30857767)
Wedling (30858004)

Gijon (31909798)
Tullander (32516421)
Hakansson (31909899)

Svensson (32810186)

Birgersson (33689864)
Tungell (34495683)

Gustavsson (35350163)
Carlsson (34495290)

Säfen (35350416)
Ismar (35935391)
Sunesson (36171202)
Dehllund (36171465)

Lagerhall (36171154)

Westerlund (36975313)
Danielsson (37787598)
Lövlind (36975297)

So, if you have a young player who is trained towards the NT and you can't find him on the list, just post here a message.

Last edited by Nachtmahr at 12/03/2015 15:26:17

This Post:
275489.13 in reply to 275489.12
Date: 12/02/2015 15:06:31
Pipa Warriors
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Pipa Organics
Both these guys are trained with a lvl 7 coach and will be trained towards NT. Atm they are trained in JR together with a U21 player in my team. Tips on how to proceed the training will be apprechiated

Greger Carlsson (34495290)

Weekly salary: $ 8 251
Role: rotation player

DMI: 42300
Age: 22
Height: 6'2" / 188 cm
Potential: hall of famer
Game Shape: respectable
Jump Shot: strong Jump Range: prominent ↑
Outside Def.: tremendous Handling: respectable
Driving: proficient Passing: proficient
Inside Shot: prolific Inside Def.: mediocre
Rebounding: awful Shot Blocking: mediocre
Stamina: mediocre Free Throw: pitiful


Henrik Rolandsson (35350312)

Weekly salary: $ 6 640
Role: rotation player

DMI: 90600
Age: 21
Height: 6'8" / 203 cm
Potential: hall of famer
Game Shape: proficient
Jump Shot: respectable ↑ Jump Range: proficient ↑
Outside Def.: average Handling: average ↑
Driving: proficient Passing: mediocre
Inside Shot: prominent Inside Def.: strong
Rebounding: respectable Shot Blocking: respectable
Stamina: respectable Free Throw: atrocious

This Post:
275489.14 in reply to 275489.13
Date: 12/02/2015 15:24:26
white snake
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Black Forest Boars
Thanks! I added them.
It's quite of funny, Ryss wrote me several days ago and he has also two trainees with the same heigth as your guys. I will try to post my input tomorrow. But maybe someone else has some ideas ;)

This Post:
275489.15 in reply to 275489.12
Date: 12/02/2015 15:25:43
Glaskulans IF
Overall Posts Rated:
Great initiative!

This is my prospect:

Stefan Lövlind (36975297) Power Forward

Glaskulans IF

Weekly salary: $ 3 586
Role: rotation player

DMI: 23000
Age: 19
Height: 6'6" / 198 cm
Potential: MVP
Game Shape: strong

Jump Shot: respectable Jump Range: atrocious
Outside Def.: respectable Handling: respectable
Driving: proficient Passing: respectable
Inside Shot: respectable Inside Def.: respectable
Rebounding: mediocre Shot Blocking: average
Stamina: respectable Free Throw: pitiful

Experience: atrocious TSP: 63 (38 + 25)

How should I train him for the best results? It is small forward , he should be on the basis of length ?

This Post:
275489.16 in reply to 275489.13
Date: 12/03/2015 15:40:17
white snake
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Black Forest Boars
So I thought about a way, how you can train both for the most time. But there is one sacrafice: OD from Rolandsson

As far as I see you are training JR. I would do this for the rest of the season to get 3-4 more ups. Starting from next season you should train 1on1 forwards to increase driving. Thanks to the JR and DR training, you will train JS all the time and end up with around 2 ups per season. Both players will be well trained in JS, JR, DR and HA.
Than, finish Carlssons OD. Rolandsson will receive some ups too, but end up under/at 10. So he will never be a SF. This will also lead to a more offensive type of player. At this point Carlsson will be 24/25 and Rolandsson 23/24.
This could turn out to be a crucial point. It can be that you have to decide if you go for more JR and PA (Carlsson as the first trainee) or start training IS,ID and RB or IS,ID and SB (Rolandsson as the first trainee).
But until this point you can train both on an equal level and decide later.

This Post:
275489.17 in reply to 275489.15
Date: 12/03/2015 16:07:03
white snake
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Black Forest Boars

1) 1on1 to build DR up, 1-2 seasons training
2) OD. it will benefit from the high DR. wouldn't go higher than 15/16
3) JR... the tricky part. you will need JR 14 and these 13 ups will take around 2-2,5 seasons At the same time you will get a lot JS
4) train PA until 12
5) choose two main and two supporter inside skills. IS/RB and ID/SB are nice combinations. depending on your choice your SF will be more aggressive and fight for ORs or more balanced and defend on a strong level

Forget JR!
1) OD until 15, trains ID - every 8 weeks an up
2) SB until 15, train ID - every 4-6 weeks an up
3) ID until 15
4) you can train JR until 7 or 8 to balance him out, JS will receive 1-2 ups too
5) go for PA 15. this will finish DR and give HA some ups
6) finish HA 15
7) IS 12 and JS 12

and from here on you can train OD, ID and SB to 17.Again OD before SB before ID.

This Post:
275489.18 in reply to 275489.15
Date: 12/03/2015 16:09:04
Glaskulans IF
Overall Posts Rated:
Great initiative!

This is my prospect:

Stefan Lövlind (36975297) Power Forward

Glaskulans IF

Weekly salary: $ 3 586
Role: rotation player

DMI: 23000
Age: 19
Height: 6'6" / 198 cm
Potential: MVP
Game Shape: strong

Jump Shot: respectable Jump Range: atrocious
Outside Def.: respectable Handling: respectable
Driving: proficient Passing: respectable
Inside Shot: respectable Inside Def.: respectable
Rebounding: mediocre Shot Blocking: average
Stamina: respectable Free Throw: pitiful

Experience: atrocious TSP: 63 (38 + 25)

How should I train him for the best results? It is small forward , he should be on the basis of length ?

Have you seen my guy? :)

This Post:
275489.19 in reply to 275489.18
Date: 12/03/2015 16:14:39
white snake
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Black Forest Boars
Yes, I posted him 2 minutes before your post

This Post:
275489.20 in reply to 275489.17
Date: 12/03/2015 16:25:42
Glaskulans IF
Overall Posts Rated:

1) 1on1 to build DR up, 1-2 seasons training
2) OD. it will benefit from the high DR. wouldn't go higher than 15/16
3) JR... the tricky part. you will need JR 14 and these 13 ups will take around 2-2,5 seasons :( At the same time you will get a lot JS
4) train PA until 12
5) choose two main and two supporter inside skills. IS/RB and ID/SB are nice combinations. depending on your choice your SF will be more aggressive and fight for ORs or more balanced and defend on a strong level

Forget JR!
1) OD until 15, trains ID - every 8 weeks an up
2) SB until 15, train ID - every 4-6 weeks an up
3) ID until 15
4) you can train JR until 7 or 8 to balance him out, JS will receive 1-2 ups too
5) go for PA 15. this will finish DR and give HA some ups
6) finish HA 15
7) IS 12 and JS 12

and from here on you can train OD, ID and SB to 17.Again OD before SB before ID.

Thanks for your post! I choose either between training him offensively or defensively? Have I understood you correctly then?
