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NT official thread

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292200.11 in reply to 292200.10
Date: 05/29/2018 14:45:51
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Aren't you fun, being the drunk guy on the 300 level yelling "You suuuuck!!" at the coach during a loss.

I'm not one to be a blanket apologist for all of Sahand's decisions, but I can tell you that whether you agree with them or not, they are well thought out, reasoned, and available on Discord the weekend before the game for any and all to comment on. Sahand has shown a willingness to listen and even change his strategy based on community input. If you want to actually effect change in the program I recommend getting on Discord and giving thoughts to the process. Less fun perhaps than having 20/20 hindsight, but then what is?

As far as the program in general, the rough consensus of those who have some knowledge of our roster options and that of other countries is currently the US has a talent gap vs the best 5-6 programs. Something that can't be fixed very quickly when players take 9-10 seasons to fully train, but that Sahand has said he's addressing via contacts with managers. I'm sure he can elaborate if you ask.

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292200.16 in reply to 292200.14
Date: 05/31/2018 13:53:25
Greensboro Generals
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I've seen some thin skinned people in my life but you come off like being made of origami, perhaps paper mache. Of course I try to light a little fire under some asses and I get whacked around like a Trump pinata at a DACA rally. But as Harry Truman would say if you cant stand the heat get out of the kitchen, well let's turn those burners up why don't we.

Then again you would have left me feeling a dog being popped upside the nose with a rolled up newspaper if you had just reminded me of my blunder from my cup match the very same night. Sometimes I've got a million dollar mouth and a ten cent head. But since you have in my view cherry picked and distorted my comments to suit your narrative allow me to retort.

1. I asked in a rhetorical manner if that was our best available team. I don't have access to the skills, I think it is a viable question. Then again I look at the roster and I see on the lower end some talents, one in particular, who have no real business being there..

2. See answer one. We might have three slots open, but in reality there are about 7 slots where one would think a appropriate talent could be available. Now if the pipeline is really that dry I can understand, but I have a hard time believing that is so. Plus for those managers who have talent who could be available for those call ups why would they feel any sort of motivation to put forth one shred of effort to do so for a management team that may, or may not even care about the effort. It's like being the woman expected to be on her lovers beckon call.

3. Oh you mean Hernandez at C and going patient? That's the oldest trick in the book. Actually your just as lucky it didn't blow up in your face. It can be a great move, but this game has a way of correcting those who jerk with the karma of fair play. It Probably was not necessary and one would think that for a still upper echelon program like ours that it was at the least a snarky move and at worst it is in my book dirty pool. And if that is the tact the community wants to take we can hand the reins to Hrudey and he can help us mass produce those style of players like a carpenter nails together 2x4's.

As for player ratings, yeah sure raw ratings may not reflect outward aspects like points, assists etc. But what it does show is how much the effort truly infuses the overall effort. Players who put up a great rating, but not in a manner reflective of the box score represent guys who are glue, Poland had guys who were rubber cement our guys were closers to Elmer's.

4. Only time is going to tell if your tenure does influence the future. It is not a question of what you know, it's a question of if you can get others to buy in. It is actually amazing I the program does as well as it does considering just how uninvolved the general population is when compared to the more consistent teams.

5. No you never promised a Rose garden, sure we may not win the argument but I expect a user pool of this size to do a better job of being part of the discussion.

Hey you have hardware. I am a ham and egger. Your truly a Great manager, without doubt. Training guru, so true, my training, let me put it this way, your players are like a soft pretzels just off the grill in the middle of New York, mine are more like the one I had last night down at Historic Grainger Stadium. Hey your efforts will probably bear a bountiful harvest. But we are Americans dagnabbit and we expect titles, not talk. Trust the process? Screw that, the future is now!

Last edited by Coach Lambini at 05/31/2018 14:46:52

From: Bob

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292200.18 in reply to 292200.17
Date: 07/25/2018 10:38:18
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Thank you Falke! You were a quality candidate and I hope you find success what you choose to do next.

From: WardoYT

To: Bob
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292200.19 in reply to 292200.18
Date: 07/26/2018 18:28:56
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Very winnable worlds . I am very excited about this hire we made. The good ole national team runs is coming back to life. Very excited about this new era. You can be something special and we all support you in every way possible.

From: jv03

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292200.20 in reply to 292200.19
Date: 07/27/2018 09:20:33
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Second Team:
Telecasters II
This is not the worlds, it is the Americas tournament and I think the expectation should be to win again since we’ve won 4 out of the last 5. Not sure what you are talking about regarding the NT coming back to life because winning this tournament would be exactly what the NT team has been for the past ten seasons.

From: WardoYT
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292200.21 in reply to 292200.19
Date: 07/27/2018 17:47:17
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So guys I can't be wrong? Come on guys think.
