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BB Italia > #47 - NT - Europeo

#47 - NT - Europeo

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301156.9 in reply to 301156.8
Date: 10/28/2019 13:51:13
I Prefer The Drummer
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Sgt. OzRiky Rock 'n' Roll BC
Bè dai, sono solo in ritardo di qualche lunedì.
Gli impegni si sono fatti più fitti ultimamente e sono poco presente anche in canale, chiedo scudo.
Dopo un paio di sconfitte maturate con Israele e Grecia dovute a un impegno diverso (la Grecia ci ha addirittura motsato in faccia) ci facciamo un paio di belle vittorie contro Bosnia e Serbia, contro quest'ultima proprio oggi.
Italia - Srbija 92 - 78 (52791)
Complice la loro pdp segata portiamo a casa un +14 a pari impegno con ben 5 uomini in doppia cifra. Le prossime due partite ci vedranno contro i padroni di casa e poi con la Finlandia.

Spero ci risentiremo per lunedì prossimo

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301156.10 in reply to 301156.9
Date: 11/12/2019 17:24:09
I Prefer The Drummer
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Sgt. OzRiky Rock 'n' Roll BC
Dopo la sconfitta con la Lituania e la passeggiata contro la Finlandia, venerdì ci giochiamo un posto in finale contro i simpatici spagnoli.
Mi raccomando tutti a tifare con noi!

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301156.11 in reply to 301156.10
Date: 11/13/2019 10:56:31
Tamarillo Wings
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Slam Drunk Celtics
E' l'ora di fargli il mazzo!

Speriamo sia una grande giornata per i colori azzurri ^^

This Post:
301156.12 in reply to 301156.11
Date: 11/17/2019 06:27:36
I Prefer The Drummer
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Sgt. OzRiky Rock 'n' Roll BC
Italia - España 96 - 91 (53076)

Partita epica contro gli spagnoli venerdì pomeriggio. Questa vittoria ci permette di giocarci la finale domani pomeriggio alle 16.30 contro i padroni di casa della Lituania.
Ottime le prove dei titolari con Casciola che cattura 15 rimbalzi e sforna 8 assist con un +/- di +13, il più alto del team. Alle giocate decisive ci pensano Thaqi e nel finale Zoff E laura con rimbalzi, punti e assist.
Buono anche l'apporto dei panchinari, ma soprattutto ottima la pdp interna azzeccata che ci permette di avere un vantaggio in difesa; valutazioni paurose pompate dal doppio overtime, ma si esce carichi per giocarsi la finale contro i lituani.
Ci vediamo in canale per chi riesce a questo comodissimo orario; merenda con la nazionale di BB <3

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301156.16 in reply to 301156.15
Date: 11/18/2019 14:35:39
KS Goldena
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
KS Golden Grizzlies
Ok, stop trolling. So many issues didn't work properly last time that I never know if everything were fixed...I just want to get explanation. Something was wrong with enthusiasm for sure. I proved it. The question is how long this problem exist...

Maybe uncovering how you played in previous games and what was your enthusiasm should explain everything. If everything were ok, no problem for me.

Please explain to your sore loser coach that dismissing a player

Thanks for your advice...but let me stick to my truth:-) But you should try to answer on this question: How I could collect maximum enthusiasm then when I threw out one player every week?:P

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301156.18 in reply to 301156.17
Date: 11/18/2019 14:52:53
KS Goldena
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
KS Golden Grizzlies
I have no problem with your pleasure:P

To be honest: You have great team. I congratulate you anyway.

From: antani

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301156.19 in reply to 301156.18
Date: 11/18/2019 16:10:25
sderenati team
Serie A
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
come fosse prematurata
thank you man, i knew it was hard, but if you did mots vs france we could have had a chance.

Btw, ent in NT doesn't stop at 15, it can be 15+ and go higher (you have to make your own counts tho since it won't diplay other than 15+)

Every time you dismiss a player during the season you lose 0.5 (i think) entusiasm, so maybe you don't see it right away.

Plus, the ent update for nt is on tuesday, so when u play on friday it doens't update right away (not before monday game anyway).
Unless you do tie, in that case it pumps right after the game. You can check this next season, do a tie on monday and see the ent stays the same until next day, to a tie and it will grow right after the game.

So nothing strange about the ent as you wrote in the bug forum, really nothing strange.

So after you say you did dismiss many player, i can tell you if u did dismiss more than 3 player during the all season , u kinda lost your home factor due to entusiasm lost in this moves.

we will have a chance for rematch in WC i guess.See you
