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From: ZinC
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Date: 12/22/2009 17:28:39
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Hey, how's it going guys. I just signed up and looking forward to learning this game. Everything seems overly complicated right now but I'm a quick learner. Anyhow, I'll be here browsing the site trying to find out what to do.

Don't be afraid to shoot some general pointers at me, I am a newb afterall.

From: tubaboys

To: ZinC
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124620.2 in reply to 124620.1
Date: 12/22/2009 17:33:05
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Hey, welcome to the game. There is not that much to learn really. My only suggestions are that you schedule scrimmages every week, and make sure that you try a few different lineup to make sure you have the best one. Aside form that, just good luck.

From: CKC

To: ZinC
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124620.3 in reply to 124620.2
Date: 12/22/2009 21:45:31
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Hey welcome, you a sort of lucky because in your division one of the team have only one player. So that is two wins for you already.

From: Jazz-Fan

To: ZinC
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124620.4 in reply to 124620.1
Date: 12/23/2009 01:43:02
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Welcome to the league, I think you are going to enjoy this style of fantasy basketball. I am also new to this so I don't dare give you any pointers because it might be the wrong way to play. But Tubaboys and King Cav are very experienced and also will give you any help that you need. I know Tubaboys has helped me out alot. So good luck and have fun. Also you might want to check out the help forums they have also helped me out.
Have a good year.

Garry Muir
From: Hexxum

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124620.5 in reply to 124620.4
Date: 04/26/2010 14:37:53
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Hey, I just joined up too. looks interesting.

From: Jazz-Fan

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124620.6 in reply to 124620.5
Date: 04/28/2010 00:31:04
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Welcome, This is my 2nd full season and it is tough. The best advice I received was be patient. Sometimes that is very hard but it does help. Well good luck and have fun. This game is awesome, so enjoy.

Garry Muir
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124620.7 in reply to 124620.6
Date: 05/13/2010 14:34:34
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Blazer fans > Jazz fans. ;)

Jazz are a close 2nd in the NBA though!

Last edited by Nastyy Nate at 05/13/2010 14:35:13

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124620.8 in reply to 124620.7
Date: 05/13/2010 23:08:14
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Are you being sarcastic when you say that the Jazz are a close 2nd? I wish they were a close 2nd but I am afraid they are far from it. They have no answers to the Lakers front court and if the Nuggets were not so selfish they would have beaten Utah maybe? And if Boozer decides to leave Milsap is supposed to be his replacement that scares me. How do you replace a 20-10 guy. Well good luck the rest of the way, by the way your team is playing very well right now. You are probably the team to beat right now. Talk to you later.

Garry Muir
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124620.9 in reply to 124620.8
Date: 05/14/2010 02:30:11
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I was speaking purely fan base support wise. Blazers I think have the best fans, followed by Jazz 2nd.

Hell I wish we were 1-2 in the NBA. Anyway Portland is #1 is NBA I am happy. LOL. Maybe if B-Roy and LMA both play to full potential in the same game, and Nate McMillian learns that Nicolas Batum can actually help on the offensive end of the court. Only then will we have a chance at contending with the NBA's best in a playoff series. With that said, I enjoyed watching the Spurs get swept by the Suns... made Portland look better for going 6 games! =)

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124620.10 in reply to 124620.9
Date: 05/14/2010 23:01:55
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I must have misunderstood you. But on a fan base I would have to agree with you. Portland has some great fans and it is a very tough place to play as is Utah. If you think that the Spurs getting swept made it look better for Portland then they are going to look very good when the Suns upset the Lakers in 5. What do you think of that?
Talk to you later.

Garry Muir
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124620.11 in reply to 124620.10
Date: 05/21/2010 15:45:42
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Well maybe in 6? haha =)

not looking so good for Phoenix being down 0-2