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USA - NBBA > How many fouls is too many fouls (or the hidden contact trait)

How many fouls is too many fouls (or the hidden contact trait)

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From: brian

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133816.2 in reply to 133816.1
Date: 03/07/2010 15:49:48
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I'd put him at just about the most fouling that is acceptable. Though some of that depends on if the player is a starter and how much depth. If he's a starter and you dont have solid depth then yeah, he's about the limit.

Learning my lesson on this, I have a terribly foul prone team and can usually count on a player fouling out every game. My worst are a bit under 1pf every 10 mins which is now much higher then I will consider in the future. 3 of my starters are near this range, and another is 1 every 12.5 mins. So essentially 4 of my 5 starters seem to be a high risk of fouling out and giving up free points to opponents.

Starting to question if there is any benefit to being high on the "physical" scale. Doesn't appear that they injure other players very much (maybe high level doctors have neutralized this effect?), don't seem to grab more rebounds then you'd expect or draw more fouls.

"Well, no ones gonna top that." -
From: GM-namssor

To: Coco
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133816.4 in reply to 133816.3
Date: 03/07/2010 19:18:50
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I just looked at my PF who fouls all the time. He had 5 or 6 fouls in 10 out of 22 games. That's kinda unbelievable. I'll likely be selling him because I just don't have the depth that most teams do to account for him always being on the bench.

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133816.5 in reply to 133816.4
Date: 03/07/2010 21:31:52
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Three things, even though this isnt my league

1) fouls per minutes is the more interesting statistic than fouls per game, and thats easily enough calculated

2) id use private league data and friendlies as well, just because the data still seems relevant

3) if the player is on a middling to slightly losingish team, and plays alot of minutes, the player could rack up extra garbage time fouls from the match engine, which are what they are. i try to ignore foul rates, which has cost me some (i have one of the worst fouling average teams in the country), but overall the bargain prices generally make it worth it.

the only spot i refuse to compromise on fouling averages is if im playing a player thats had a year or two of training, with the intention of reselling in the future. at low levels of prices the fouling doesnt make a difference, but from a gross return on investment the fouls do make a difference at the higher levels.

i.e: if you buy a 19 year old now with 2 seasons of training for 800k and intend to sell for 3.2 mil, you could maybe buy the foul prone player for 700k, but you will sell for alot less than 3.1 mil or even 2.8 mil, so that matters.