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BB Canada > Too predictable?

Too predictable?

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From: 7out7
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Date: 03/14/2010 20:21:01
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So far in the top 5 leagues, the home team has lost one game.

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134787.2 in reply to 134787.1
Date: 03/14/2010 21:07:17
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don't jinx it ;)

From: O-Rod

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134787.3 in reply to 134787.1
Date: 03/14/2010 21:46:28
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It depends what you mean by too predictable.

By definition if a team has home court advantage then they have been the better team throughout the course of the season. With this being the case wouldn't you expect them to win more often than not? Especially seeing as we all know that you get an advantage playing at home.

So out of the top 5 leagues how many would you really expect the away team to win?

From: O-Rod

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134787.4 in reply to 134787.3
Date: 03/14/2010 23:15:15
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Oh and I just realized that I must be the only home court team to have lost then!

Not really sure what that says about my team!

From: 7out7

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134787.5 in reply to 134787.4
Date: 03/16/2010 20:48:58
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Home teams went 4-1 in the first game of the finals, and the only loss seemed like the better team might have won, or at least they were very even. I truly feel that buzzerbeater needs to address the predictability. If there is ANY separation, the better team wins 99% of the time. From my experience at least.