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Suggestions > Multiple Staff

Multiple Staff

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Date: 06/04/2010 12:26:56
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My suggestion is to allow teams to have more than 1 of each type of staff member.
At the moment each staff member can have 1 of 2 types of specialties.
However, what if I want both specialties?
I should be able hire 2 doctors (if I am willing to pay both their salaries and signing bonuses). That way I can have massage specialty and taping specialty.

Another solution would be to have staff members available for purchase that come with both specialties.

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145705.2 in reply to 145705.1
Date: 06/04/2010 12:51:51
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If I pay extra can I train C/PF in ID and PG/SG in OD? What's the point of different things if you can still have everything simultaniously?
Just in case you wonder, I was not the one to 1 ball you, you must have fans:(

Last edited by Kukoc at 06/04/2010 12:52:54

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145705.3 in reply to 145705.2
Date: 06/04/2010 13:15:03
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No you can't train both :P
I prefer the method of having some staff on the staff market simply come with both specialties. They would cost more but I think that many people would prefer them.

haha yeah I get 1 balled every second post :P I'm used to it.

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145705.4 in reply to 145705.3
Date: 06/04/2010 14:38:16
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More specialities yes, but multiple staff seems to me like too much of influence, these specialities in combination could have. So just boosting performance through money.

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145705.5 in reply to 145705.4
Date: 06/04/2010 15:11:30
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"So just boosting performance through money."

Isn't that what most things are about? Higher level staff cost more money. Better players cost more money.
So boosting performance through money is meant to happen.

All I'm saying is that I would love my doctor to have a massage specialty and tape up my injuries during a game.
Perhaps just introducing some new specialties might make the staff more useful and interesting?

Perhaps for trainers there could be a specialty that reduces the impact on training by missed minutes? So 45 minutes might provide 90% training where as at the moment it is probably around 85% training.

Perhaps for doctors there could be a miracle cure specialty where there is a small chance that the injury time gets halved or something?

Perhaps for PR managers there could be a star player boost where your top player (perhaps based on salary or stats) gets a slight boost in performance because he sold a lot of jerseys that week and so he wants to keep his fans happy?


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145705.6 in reply to 145705.5
Date: 06/04/2010 16:09:52
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That's exactly what I love about BB. You have to choose what you want. You can't have everything.
We have a solution to those missed minutes. You get more training with 45 min if you have the highest level trainer:)
Miracle cures would be nice, but would create more whining, ex. my next opponent had his best player injured for 4 weeks, he was cured now I can't beat him etc. Perhaps use miracle cure but keep injured sign on him, if he reinjures himself during that time he is out for longer etc.
I don't think we need any more one player boosting, we already have players valued at merchandising and higher level PR already raises everything involved with income. Just adding more money into the game is not needed.
Isn't that what most things are about? Higher level staff cost more money. Better players cost more money.
So boosting performance through money is meant to happen.
If boosting performance through money is ment to happen why not create separate training for big and small like I suggested (you get more training from money invested).
Yes I know it's a bad idea but I think it was a needed example why you can't have everything simultaneously.

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145705.7 in reply to 145705.6
Date: 06/04/2010 16:21:06
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I guess I just want to see something new added to the staff component of the game.

I think you misunderstood the one player boosting suggestion. I didn't mean that it would provide more income. I meant that the player would play a tiny bit better in games (kind of like how Crowd Involvement makes you play better in home games but just for this player). Anyway it is more of a suggestion to get the ball rolling so someone can come up with some new specialties for staff.

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145705.8 in reply to 145705.7
Date: 06/04/2010 16:49:31
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PR already boosts ingame performance. So singleing out one player is not really needed. I would like coach added to staff. Speciality suggestions welcome. Pretty hard to suggest something that would not have an ingame advantage. Perhaps better minute management, timed timeouts, end of quarter subs to protect starters from fouling etc.

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145705.9 in reply to 145705.7
Date: 06/04/2010 17:11:22
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Boosting one player confidence by selling his jerseys to the crowd is a good one.

Doctor have to have his influence already, measured by his level. If lvl7 cannot cut in half (or less) 4 week injury, Im not sure if he has any utilization in this game.
But he could have an effect into enthusiasm which would not drop so fast or something (while could not raise more than it is limited now). Seems to me acceptable that good health have influence on this.

And there could be a coach which allows you to train player more beyond potential soft cap. So if training slows down because of it, this trainer can keep it coming for another several levels. This one would be good, because Im not sure what managers do if someone stop to train right before training of some needed levels, so have to sale a strange hybrid.