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BB Global (English) > Best way to get Banners and Logo

Best way to get Banners and Logo (thread closed)

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From: mcropp7
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Date: 07/24/2010 12:31:21
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What is the best way to get banners and logo???

I have posted on that large bulletin with a request..... but am losing faith I will get an answer.,...

I have messaged a few people asking them who did theres... no positive response yet-.--

Any suggestions? Any offers?

I am completely open, just want one.. really for my team 'Cola Showboats' (just a name that rolled off my tongue... not supposed to be a soda drink name or anything)

From: Foto

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152558.2 in reply to 152558.1
Date: 07/24/2010 14:39:36
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Sorry, but the only way to ask for a banner and a logo is the official thread above.
It seems that unfortunately there is no users interested in doing logos by now, so it's a pity but you should try in other way (a photo or searching in internet)
