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Should i go for the win?

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Date: 12/22/2010 16:14:33
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looks like my team is stuck in 4th place and il have to play in the Play offs( even tho im going for a Beast of a trainee) I wanna know if u think i should go for the Win in the Play offs. and also does Winning playoffs even tho ur 4th place move you down the Draft list?

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166865.2 in reply to 166865.1
Date: 12/22/2010 16:23:23
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Right now there's no practical reason not to go for the playoff win. Draft position is based on your record at the end of the regular season, not taking playoff wins into account.

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166865.3 in reply to 166865.2
Date: 12/22/2010 16:38:07
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there is no chance of me going down in draft spots since i have 1 more game and the Team that picks right behind me has 106 more PD than i do so im stuck picking 9th :D

Last edited by Future NBA Hall of famer at 12/22/2010 16:38:47

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166865.4 in reply to 166865.3
Date: 12/22/2010 18:28:06
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The question is rather, is your team strong enough to beat the first team on your conference...
If that's the case, or the strength is more or less equal, I say go for it. Afterall, it's a playoff and things like GS (though not injuries etc) will reset for the new season anyway, so you've got nothing to lose (even if the 1st team is way superior, just give what you've got).

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166865.5 in reply to 166865.3
Date: 12/23/2010 04:57:33
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i'd say you have pretty good chances to win. if you play mots ur chances becomes even bigger, because i dont think that seed 1 guy will risk and play mots against you, because his chances to lose at semifinals will increase greatly.

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166865.7 in reply to 166865.6
Date: 12/23/2010 14:04:24
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Im going to TIE my last League game and then do play off normal for the first match and if they win i will have to do Play offf of the Season and get better players as well :D