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BB Global (English) > What I have learned this season!

What I have learned this season!

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Date: 01/02/2011 19:36:48
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So this season I got promoted to div I and to be honest I thought I was going to come last or second last in my conference, simply because almost all the other teams in div I had much better players and the total player salary for almost all the other teams were higher than mine. I thought I didn't stand a chance but at the end of the season, I finished 2nd and made to the semi-final (where I was beaten by the first team in my conference). This was my second season in BB career (excluding season 12, where I joined at the end of season 12) and I've learned A LOT from competing in div I(in season 13, I didn't learn much because there was no competition in div II...most of the teams were bots). Here is my evaluation of how to be successful, despite having players who are less superior to others:
1: Manage Game Shape well. VERY VERY IMPORTANT!!!
2: Note down which games to play TIE, Normal and CT (in fact, I've rarely used normal this season and pretty much played TIE and CT for most of the games). Make sure that you only play CT against teams which you might stand a chance and use TIE for games that you won't stand a chance.
3: Take a data, noting down the tactics they've used and the team rating for all the league games. After several weeks, you've got enough data to predict their tactics and team rating (this really helps, I suggest new managers do this!!!).
4: Get a PR manager with a speciality (I got one with crowd involvement speciality, because many of my games, where it was played at my home court, was against teams that I might stand a chance).

These were 4 main things which I did this season and voila, I thought my result was pretty amazing. I hope that my next season will be great as well and I hope that many of new managers out there can do something similar to this and be successful!!!


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168021.2 in reply to 168021.1
Date: 01/03/2011 06:36:50
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If you want to see what tactics your opponent have been using just use this

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168021.3 in reply to 168021.2
Date: 01/03/2011 07:16:19
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WOW this is fantastic!!! Thanks a lot. One ball for you :)

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168021.4 in reply to 168021.3
Date: 01/03/2011 14:15:52
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I Think you have to thank oeuftete ;)

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168021.5 in reply to 168021.3
Date: 01/03/2011 16:42:22
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this is much better

Last edited by takiss78 at 01/03/2011 16:43:35

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168021.6 in reply to 168021.5
Date: 01/03/2011 18:54:00
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A Big NBA Orange Spalding to the guy who did that.

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168021.7 in reply to 168021.5
Date: 01/03/2011 21:16:28
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As much as I'd like to use this, I can't read much of French...I've learned it for 2 years sometime back but I've almost forgotten all (I wasn't really trying to learn, I was just learning because I didn't have a choice :P). How do you log in anyway???

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168021.8 in reply to 168021.7
Date: 01/03/2011 21:17:58
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LOL my bad, I didn't notice you could change to English :P

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168021.9 in reply to 168021.8
Date: 01/03/2011 21:21:32
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Wow this is fantastic!!! Except...why does my roster and other things not show up???

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168021.10 in reply to 168021.9
Date: 01/04/2011 03:14:47
Overall Posts Rated:
go to your schedule and press your team name and will show up like the other teams

and update like El Duderino said

Last edited by takiss78 at 01/04/2011 04:26:15

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168021.11 in reply to 168021.9
Date: 01/04/2011 03:25:12
Overall Posts Rated:
Wow this is fantastic!!! Except...why does my roster and other things not show up???

It looks like you have to update your league first

"Your League" -> "Update"

We have both said a lot of things that you are going to regret.