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TV series thread

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Date: 06/17/2011 02:03:55
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The Game of Thrones thread is so good it deserves its own but i thought i'd start this up for any other cool tv series that anyone might be able to recommend.

Another fantasy/sci-fi book to tv series is Legend of the Seeker based on the Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind. It's not a bad series as a bit of a time waster but i will say that if you've read the books, you'll be pissed off at home much they butcher the actual story and just do their own thing, only really using the characters and concepts instead of the actual story that Terry Goodkind wrote.

That's what i'm watching at the moment anyway, i might write up something else when i'm at home over the weekend.

Any other recommendations from anyone?

From: zyler

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187503.2 in reply to 187503.1
Date: 06/17/2011 02:14:27
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seen all of the first season of seeker , its a bit hit n miss.

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187503.3 in reply to 187503.1
Date: 06/17/2011 02:16:47
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I'm not sure about TV series but there is this new movie coming out called Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. It's about this wizard boy who does some neat stuff. Watch it.

Can you smell what the Hobos are cooking... oh wait its just Roger. (18085274)
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187503.4 in reply to 187503.1
Date: 06/17/2011 02:33:29
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Sons of Anarchy

Also a couple of series that are a few years old that we just finished watching:

Long Way Around
Long Way Down

The first one follows Ewen McGregor and his mate as they ride their motorcycles from London to New York (traveling through Eastern Europe). The second one follows them riding from Scotland down to South Africa (traveling through a significant part of Africa). Both series were amazing, I'd highly recommend them.

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187503.5 in reply to 187503.4
Date: 06/17/2011 03:13:16
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As i mentioned in the other thread The Wire is far and away the best TV i have ever watched. I'll throw out Band of Brothers as TV/Mini series as well.

At the minute i'm watching Boardwalk Empire which is also pretty cool & i'm heading to JB to get Sons of Anarchy this weekend!

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187503.6 in reply to 187503.4
Date: 06/17/2011 03:14:45
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long way aound/down are awesome

anyone that loves adventure or travel or motorbikes will be totally hooked

but for older series if you like history with lots of blood and tits you cant go past sparticus

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187503.7 in reply to 187503.5
Date: 06/17/2011 03:23:15
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The Wire? I'll have to look out for that next..

Band of Brothers was awesome... if you liked that, you might like The Pacific.

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187503.8 in reply to 187503.7
Date: 06/17/2011 05:28:57
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Band of Brothers was great, but imo the pacific wasn't as good. you didnt get to know the characters in the same was as in band of brothers.

i love watching an idiot abroad

Garrie Addison (18085302). The G-Adder striking blows since season 15
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187503.9 in reply to 187503.7
Date: 06/17/2011 05:29:25
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I thought the Pacific was pretty dissapointing to be honest. The story was part of the problem (it was based on 3 different books not the single story of one company like BoB). Also it examined the "mental" side of war a lot more where BoB seemed to be more action based. Kind of like comparing THe THin Red Line to Savinng Private Ryan.

I'm a bit of a history buff and have read extensivly on Easy Company and the 101st airborne as well which probably plays into my intense love of BoB!

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187503.10 in reply to 187503.9
Date: 06/17/2011 06:05:22
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Well other than Game Of Thrones, there is only 1 other tv series that need even be mentioned... It's been a long time coming but finally in Oct we can all get to kick it back and watch some of the best zombie action ever to hit the little screen! Yes that's right I am talking about season two of The Walking Dead!

After that teaser of 6 "finger-licking good" (pun intended) episodes they delivered in season 1, everyone should be famished and more than ready to devour this next season which has a double helping serve compared that initial tid bit they served up. Don't anyone even try to tell me you're not starving for this one! ;-)

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187503.11 in reply to 187503.9
Date: 06/17/2011 06:05:33
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Sons of Anarchy + a billion. Awesome, awesome show about a bikie gang and all the stuff they get up to amongst themselves, rival biker gangs and the law. Can't wait for the next season. Anything that Ron Perlman is in is good too.

Possibly the best theme song ever too. The crow flies straight.........