Swag operates in autopilot all season. Doubt if he even checks the forums. Keep upgrading your roster, Lux and like WFU said, build your enthuse to double digits,
Getting into foul trouble means your D is too low. Next acquisitions you get make sure the OD is 9/10 and ID to 11/12 so you won't have to worry about fouling out or blowing a defensive assignment.
Tighten up your rotation. You don't need to run 10 guys. Suiting 7 or 8 should suffice once your D is settled. That will guarantee that you have a competitive lineup on the floor at all times. Swag's front line is beast (salary wise) but so out of shape from running too much. They have no depth so if you can slow his starters down then and ideally get them in foul trouble you will eat his bench alive, especially if you have the better players on the court which again requires tighter rotation with better players. Dump the pork off your roster and fill that cap space with some decent bigs and guards. By those high salaries he runs, I imagine he can't save up to alleviate the weaknesses I'm posting here. Even in D.IV that roster would make it tough to save anything, especially with that small arena and outrageous pricing.