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BB USA > National Team Debate Thread

National Team Debate Thread (thread closed)

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From: AFG9
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208821.2 in reply to 208821.1
Date: 02/07/2012 09:45:59
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I probably wont win the election but I signed up anyways lol. If I do somehow win I'll do the best to my ability to win as many games as it permits me and to hold high the name of Red, White, and Blue. I'll keep my opponents on their toes and scout there teams before games to learn the best way to set up my lineup. The way I see it is the player salary is a good way to see how good your opponent is. For example my team has a guy that gets payed 28,000 a week, when looking at that you can tell he's going to be a big part of the game and you need to put your best defender on him. When looking at scrimmages I use the salary method to. Vote for me and I'll do my best for the people of Buzzerbeater.



From: Coolbobj

To: AFG9
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208821.3 in reply to 208821.2
Date: 02/07/2012 18:34:56
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I'm gonna put you down softly..... you need a lot more experience man. I appreciate your enthusiasm.

Check the Suggestions they are important
This Post:
208821.5 in reply to 208821.4
Date: 02/07/2012 20:13:30
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I don't think anyone wants to go against you.

This Post:
208821.6 in reply to 208821.5
Date: 02/07/2012 20:37:33
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Oh come on, someone's got to be a better option than Coco! ;)

This Post:
208821.7 in reply to 208821.6
Date: 02/07/2012 21:20:20
Greensboro Generals
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My goal if elected would be to enhance the experience. It is going to take time and effort of multiple administrations to get ahead of other countries who are showing more zeal.

First things first, we have got to get the players more motivated, and we need to attract new players to the game.

This is a cerebral game, it can be played in many ways, with many different levels of interest.

And it is one where the players are part of the community, where we share the common experience of this game.

This is what needs to be expressed and shared in order to get more of the current players involved with their own teams, and with becoming interested and wanting to help the national side.

My first act as national team Czar will be to get the word out, and to keep getting the word out.

I make a personal plea to those who RUN BB to do a better job of communicating with their players, you have an email addy for everyone, send some out. Encourage people to be more of the process, don't be scared to actually promote your game.

In terms of how I will approach my decisions on whom I would have play, my school of thought will be akin to old Washington Redskins coach George Allen, 'The future is now'. I am going to seek experienced players, potential is only half as important on this level as opposed to being a proven asset. To get players, not only with high levels of ability but high levels of poise. Experience is an undervalued asset on this game, even if the overall talent of the older player may be overall slightly in decline from their heyday the experience garnered overcomes that. The experienced team knows when to turn it on, and on how to keep enough in the tank to get them there. Age be damned. This is what I think will give our national program the ability to become more competitive in a hurry.

Last edited by Coach Lambini at 02/07/2012 21:20:46

From: adchester

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208821.8 in reply to 208821.6
Date: 02/07/2012 21:21:31
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Well....dont think we're gonna match the bajillion pages or whatever that we had last election this time.

From: J-Slo

To: Coco
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208821.9 in reply to 208821.4
Date: 02/07/2012 22:01:43
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Hi Coco, much respect and glad you're running (even if this turns out to be a pointed question), I think there's always a sigh of relief when people see that there will be at least one respected, proven manager in the election. Suppose I'll start off with one of the first questions for the candidates, and for Coco in particular since the below is his question from "Ask a BB":

Charles used to say that one of the design principles of the game was that there shouldn't be a dominant strategy.

(1) If the BB's think that LI is now a dominant strategy, what is being done to steer the game away from it?
(2) If they think it's not, what standard must be met to prove the claim that some strategy is dominant?

It's kind of a multi-part question:
1- Is it your opinion that there is no counter we as managers/a community can implement against LI, and only BB intervention can change this dynamic?

2- If the BB answer your question with something politely along the lines of "It's not our job to continually adjust the game to counter what's currently in vogue, the tools are there and we believe they are in fact balanced, the community will eventually adapt and find its own counter to this, just like it did to OD, etc", then: what next?

Do you have theories on what the counters to LI might be, and how we might implement them as a county? Do we just politely disagree with the BB's and join the LI arms race?

Presumably even if we think we know how to defend a LI it may be a long process to get the right skills and players up to a NT level, just like it took a while for Ps to catch up to OD, but I think there is an important distinction between a NT manager who is playing the big man arms race while biding his time until we're ready to counter inside tactics, and a manager who truly believes there is no counter and only a change in the GE will solve the problem. So I think it'd be informative to hear where each of the candidates comes down on the LI issue.

From: shoe lover

To: Coco
This Post:
208821.10 in reply to 208821.4
Date: 02/07/2012 22:16:14
Overall Posts Rated:
Im going with coco for sure..... dont even have to look at this thread to decide that.

From: jfarb

To: Coco
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208821.11 in reply to 208821.9
Date: 02/07/2012 22:21:04
Overall Posts Rated:
Good question jfriske^

My question involves your resume. Only a NBBA threepeat? Cmon. What happened in Season 15? Lame.

Seriously tho, you are planning to reconstruct your team to help solve the big man problem the NT has. That's a big sacrifice, and its good to lead by example. I and others in the NBBA will try to follow your example. But what can other managers do in lower divisions to help the future of the NT? How can we help them?

I mean they could always JOIN THE OFFSITE FORUM: ( where a variety of tools, including a training planner, attendance helper, matchup predictor, etc as well as a great community of people willing to help and give advice on everything from training to gameplanning is available to them. From joining they could learn they can help the NT or even join the NT staff!!!!