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BB Canada > Plans for Next Month

Plans for Next Month

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From: Bballin
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Date: 06/08/2012 01:27:58
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Okee dokie! Well as you all know, I have not gotten much work done at all this season. Some of it had to do with not having a computer(which I solved by buying myself a laptop), and someof it had to do with lack of time(which is still sometimes a problem, but slowly being solved), now the ONLY problem is that the only internet connection I have at home is some open network from Walmart probably that barely ever connects. This is where the exciting news starts, I am getting my own wifi connection come this Monday, which means the old Bballin will be back to do his old tricks. I will put my head down and PLOW through everything I need to get done.

Here is the Agenda:

1) Get all the spreadsheets created and sent out to the scouting staff. Hopefully update most of them through contacts with scouts.

2) Update all of Canadas Stats and Records.

3) Actually do the writeup for the award show.

4) Get Naismith/Division II Pick'em back on.

5) Top 10 U21 Most Expensive Players

6) Post a lot more often then currently.

Also, I am looking at doing something with the next two or three games of the season considering it does not really matter too much, since we will be moving on to the next round virtually automatically. I am looking for someone, who will one day want to take over as Canada U21 and I will have them pick the roster and tactics for the next two games(following the scrimmage with Australia). It will be sort of a test to see how they do, what they pick and ultimately see if they are ready at all. if anyone would be interested in doing this, I ask that you please BB-mail me soon explaining why you think I should grace you with the honor of doing this ;) You better impress me! I actually have one person in my mind if no one impresses me enough ;). Anyways, just thought I would let everybody know.

P.S. My manager popularity is dropping exponentially! Down to 78! :( Oh well! haha

This Post:
219714.2 in reply to 219714.1
Date: 06/09/2012 02:14:27
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Good to have you back on a more permanent basis. Hopefully I can pick up a thing for 2 from you from your greatness lol.

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219714.3 in reply to 219714.1
Date: 06/09/2012 09:47:26
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Great to have you back permanently. I hope you fulfil your agenda.

From: Bballin

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219714.4 in reply to 219714.1
Date: 06/11/2012 14:06:50
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With the departure of the Telus guy, I may begin!

Also no BBmails on this special pick the lineup offer yet! Anyone?

From: Bballin

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219714.5 in reply to 219714.1
Date: 06/11/2012 17:35:55
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2) Update all of Canadas Stats and Records.


From: Bballin

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219714.6 in reply to 219714.5
Date: 06/12/2012 00:31:24
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5) Top 10 U21 Most Expensive Players


From: Summers
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219714.7 in reply to 219714.6
Date: 06/29/2012 02:29:52
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I would absolutely be interested in running U21 in the future, and would love to be involved in some training, but I've been waiting to see if someone more qualified than myself would jump at the opportunity. I'm sure no one is crazy about a new manager having any sort of power over one of the NT's, but if no one else is interested, please keep me in mind.

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219714.8 in reply to 219714.7
Date: 07/02/2012 15:37:50
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I am very interested in taking the reigns next season, i have good experience and i think i am ready to take the responsibility.

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219714.9 in reply to 219714.8
Date: 07/05/2012 14:29:58
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Are we not having elections for team manager?

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219714.10 in reply to 219714.9
Date: 07/05/2012 14:52:21
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Are we not having elections for team manager?

Elections take place in the off-season, as they have for about 19 seasons now.