BuzzerBeater Forums

USA - V.112 > New Faces

New Faces

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From: jc93
This Post:
Date: 06/17/2012 11:19:33
Overall Posts Rated:
Hello to all the new teams and welcome to buzzerbeater and league V.112. If you have any questions, I am an 8 season veteran, so feel free to ask me. Good luck to all this season.

From: jc93

To: jc93
This Post:
220308.2 in reply to 220308.1
Date: 06/17/2012 11:20:18
Overall Posts Rated:
It's great to see the league finally filled up because when I was sent down to this league I was the only team that wasn't managed by a computer.

From: Granny39

To: jc93
This Post:
220308.3 in reply to 220308.1
Date: 06/22/2012 20:05:35
Overall Posts Rated:
Thanks! I had a team for a few seasons about a year ago, but didn't have the time. Gonna try it again :-)