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USA - V.46 > Crocks reloading

Crocks reloading

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Date: 07/08/2012 12:20:02
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This week end was a busy one for the crocks. GM dabeastmode announced to the crazed fans that they would be getting 3 brand new players. The fans were delighted and chanted "Lets go crocks". Eventually everyone was told of the players name. An 18 year old from Lithuania and a 19 year old pg from Israel as well as a SF named Dawid Bratko. After the big day Arron Cook
who many believe is the future of the crocks said he was displeased with the new signings because he knew his minutes would become smaller. He also stated that he would existentially play bad if he isn't given enough minutes. Team leader Reed Julian budded in and said that if Cook isn't going to try he shouldn't be on the team. However everyone knows that Cook is a big role player for this team. Things died down after that and the time for decisions was comming. When word of the starting line up was leaked there was a huge pile up of fans at the crocks arena during the practice. Todd Roberson and Utenkovas were seen high fiveing and telling each other how excited they were for the new players. It sames everyone is on board with the signing except for Cook who was confronted by the media after practice. " I don't care what they do, I just want out." GM dabeast hasn't given word weather he will be put up for sale. When the game came Cook never played a single minute. Todd Roberson was given good minutes and so were the other vets. The team played as though they have been playing together for years. Bratko and Omar Fadiga carried the team with both having 18 points. Bratko had a Double Double. Alon was given player of the game honors. Everyone was seen at the club partying last night as the team had finally gotten back to .500 after a rough start to the season. Arron Cook was seen at the bus stop. Hopefully nothing bad can come from this.

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221567.2 in reply to 221567.1
Date: 07/08/2012 12:20:25
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What can come of this guys any ideas?