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BB Scotland > [U21] Friendly

[U21] Friendly

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From: Samu13
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Date: 08/13/2012 07:10:50
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Hi guys, I'm sorry that I'm not been so active in last weeks but I was on holiday and I have just been able to set the formation.
So, I've seen some activity in the forum, this contribuite to create new enthusiasm on working hard. After the draft I'll control all players in the database and all the new draftees. I think that next seasons's team will be similar to this one, maybe a little stronger but with the update we'll have a more clear point of view.
In friendlies we've got a couple of wins good also for the world ranking. Next season I'll restart the contest hoping that more people will participate :)

From: cooper_8

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223520.2 in reply to 223520.1
Date: 08/13/2012 13:15:37
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Lets just hope there are some worthwhile or decent players come through the draft and worthy of training. I've looked over the last season or 2s draft picks and seems not many people are keeping their draftees although this seems mainly as they are not of a good potential, hopefully this means this years draft wil be better!

From: thebag
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223520.3 in reply to 223520.2
Date: 08/13/2012 16:49:04
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If any good Scottish draftees go up for sale with superstar potential plus keep me informed. I'm desperate to create a future NT player and the potential has screwed me on my current guy. I'll be keeping my eyes open but something might slip through the net.

From: cooper_8

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223520.4 in reply to 223520.3
Date: 08/13/2012 18:15:05
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welcome to the forums mr bag ;) will keep my eyes open, if there was a good one i would happily sell my foreign trainees to get a scottish guy too! we clearly need something going on to help the u21 roster at the minute!