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BB England > National Team Debate Thread

National Team Debate Thread (thread closed)

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224196.2 in reply to 224196.1
Date: 08/21/2012 11:07:18
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Posted a quick speech in the debate thread, feel free to ask me anything here :)

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224196.3 in reply to 224196.2
Date: 08/21/2012 11:48:52
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I know that I am not the most popular NT manager, so my apologies if this endorsement hurts rather than helps.

Seriously though, you have my vote. Hopefully Wuyts, my star PF trainee, will be ready by the end of this season or the beginning of next season.

Hopefully during your U21 time, you encouraged development of pass-first point guards -- we need them.

This Post:
224196.4 in reply to 224196.3
Date: 08/21/2012 15:43:43
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I know that I am not the most popular NT manager, so my apologies if this endorsement hurts rather than helps.

Seriously though, you have my vote. Hopefully Wuyts, my star PF trainee, will be ready by the end of this season or the beginning of next season.

Hopefully during your U21 time, you encouraged development of pass-first point guards -- we need them.

What englands NT really needs is defense. Constabile has got OD 15, Bidny was OD 14... Nearly all other NT's have OD's 18... Stanway and Dempsey have got a NT worthy defense. I don't know why they were kept out of the team, but i'm not here to critize you for what you've done or haven't done. This debate is about those who are a candidate and for all i'm aware off, you aren't ( because you said that Eminence has your vote). Futhermore, your intensions were good when you ran 2 seasons back. Englands pool of talent isn't as large as many other countries so considering the circumstances you did ok.

Anyhow, to get back on topic and to kick off the debate:

So my question to Eminence (and any other candiates) is the following:

If a player can't defend his position, would you select him on the NT or not. To give an example here below:

If you have Guard 1:
Js 20 JR 16
Od 14 HA 13
DR 13 PA 8
IS x ID x
RB x SB x
ST 5 FT 5

or Guard 2:
JS 17 JR 12
OD 18 HA 16
DR 16 PA 11
RB x SB x
ST 5 FT 5

Same question for Bigman 1:
JS x JR x
OD 6 Ha x
DR x PA x
IS 16 ID 16
RB 16 SB 11
ST 5 FT 5

or bigman 2:
JS x JR x
OD 2 HA x
DR x PA x
IS 20 ID 14
RB 16 SB 8
ST 5 FT 5

Who of those 4 would you select on your NT squad ( assuming you can only pick one bigman and one guard). Same question goes for the other Candidates. i think everyone agrees that player 1 and 4 are an insane scoorder, but they are useless on defense. guard 2 and bigman 2 can defend, but is far less impressive in the scoring department.

And for all purposes: the selection of players here above should not be based upon tactical choices or so.

Question 2:
Say a player doesn't meet the Nt requirements ( for example, you say OD lvl 16 is a minimum for guard - which is low at the NT lvl, but you need to start somewhere-- ). Will you add him even tho he doesn't meet the requirements ( be it offensif or defensif, but usually offense isn't the problem) or will you stand firm untill that player finally becomes a NT worthy player.

England has got 2 Mods now, who will both be keeping an eye on this eleciton thread so that it doesn't go out of control. Remind polite in your questions and answers. it's more fun to read a well arguemented debate than one where both candidates are swearing at eachother ;)

Best of luck to all candidates and may the best one win.

Last edited by AthrunZala at 08/21/2012 15:50:06

This Post:
224196.5 in reply to 224196.2
Date: 08/21/2012 17:39:02
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Ëminence deserves the chance simply because of the transformation of the u21 team during his reign! Im sure most of the english community feels the same.

This Post:
224196.6 in reply to 224196.4
Date: 08/22/2012 02:16:10
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Question regarding guiding managers:

During my tenure, I focused on encouraging managers to train balanced players. Connor Anderson, Paul Bull, and James Gascoigne were the three players who I played the largest role in guiding and each are well on their way to being world class thanks to managers who understood the value of balanced players and sacrificed accordingly.

My question is similar to Revo's: do you agree with the approach of training balanced players, and how are you going to encourage managers to train for balance when doing so can hurt their team (if they are training secondaries after primary training already bumped salary), or if doing so will exclude them from earning a spot on the U21 team (Wuyts is an example of this -- I trained secondaries first in order to keep salary down and this may have cost him a starting spot on the U21 team).



This Post:
224196.7 in reply to 224196.4
Date: 08/22/2012 02:45:46
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Second Team:
question 1:

If I have to choose guard2 and bigman1. My results were from good defense all the time. Defense is really the most important in this game, imo.
But everything depends on other English players... If other players are weak guard1 and bigman2 also will be on squad. They are good of something so they re usable. It is hard to answer excatly this question, because I don't know NT worthy players.

question 2:

NT requirements? Hard to know. I must see all the worthy players to answer this. I don't like speculation like this. I can write anything.... But it will be just guessing without knowing other players.

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224196.8 in reply to 224196.6
Date: 08/22/2012 02:56:33
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Second Team:

Only with balanced players a national team is poor. Need to several kind of players to be success.
How can encourage managers? With a lot of communication and advices. But if he does not want this, you are just wasting your time... i know it from Hungary.

The Hungarian training system is the way to be much more better.

This Post:
224196.9 in reply to 224196.6
Date: 08/22/2012 09:46:36
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To Revo:

Guards I'd go with #2.

Guard 1: Probably never make the team, OD is terrible, along with that passing. He'd be a pure shooter/ballhog, and I don't think we'd ever need him.

Guard 2: A solid player, would be one of our better defenders, and useable in any offense.

Bigman one is a bit tougher, but would choose #1 in nearly all situations.

Bigman 1: Likely reserve type player, solid at everything, but not great at any one thing to exploit opponents.

Bigman 2: Despite also having bad defenses unlike Guard 1 he might make the team if I felt we'd be primarily inside oriented because he can score and rebound(kinda).

Question #2:

Well first I'm going to wait to set my limits until after I've seen all our players. As for if I'd add a player if they didn't meet a minimum, well maybe. If they excelled in some other area it is possible. There would be skills I'd be more flexible with(example it'd be easier to make the team with bad JS and great OD/PA than to make the team with bad OD and great JS/PA). On things like OD/ID/PA I probably would set hard caps for certain positions, but they wouldn't be too extreme at first. Also I'd always try to take the age of the player into consideration, if he's old and capped then he'd probably not make the team, but if he's young and training he'd have a much better shot despite not meeting the requirements.

To Mzungu:

Yep I believe having mostly more balanced players is the way forward for England. Many of the top NTs monsters would just be unsustainable and we need to be able to count on all of our great players since we can't churn them out at as high of rate as say an Italy. Though as Vendabal said it's still nice to have some specialists for certain tactics, in the ideal world I'd think these would be our bit lower potential guys who probably wouldn't make the team without it.

As for getting guys to train out of position, well it's tough, I've found the best method is usually to be honest with them that it will probably hurt their team in the short run, if you don't do that than you run the risk of losing them as a trainer in the future. Recently I've been trying to get managers with high potential players (mvp+) to start their training with secondaries to avoid that salary problem. So basically all if they agree or not, no way to force them to it.

As for the U21 vs NT training, I usually advice completely based on NT potential until most likely midway through their 20 year old season. Then if it looks like they are going to be the leader of the U21 squad next season, or fill a role that no other prospect can I'll let Srez handle them until the end of their 21 year old season(I still check in every once in awhile). But if it looks like they are going to be a backup/non essential player then I continue advising completely based on the NT. An example of this would be Gregor Simpson from last season, he kind of popped up on me at the beginning of his 20 year old season, and it was immediately obvious he'd be an U21 star if he trained that route, with a lack of great big men this last season I agreed he shoulld be trained to help the U21's until they were out of the tournament, as soon as we were out of the tournament he switched to passing training and got in very nice 2 pops since then.

To everyone: I'll be moving over the next couple of days, so I'm not sure how available I'll be for the next week or so, but I'll try my best to continue to answer questions.

This Post:
224196.10 in reply to 224196.9
Date: 08/22/2012 14:01:33
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election time never is at a good moment.

i like your answers Eminence. You value Defense over offence, which is a great thing and which is what England needs most if they want to progress. I just hope that people know that they need to wait a couple of season before seeing real NT progress, but it will be a good start.

As for the hungarian candidate. England has got more than enough offensif minded players. But very few of them can defend. What use is a player if he can make a basket, but will conceive one right away on the next play. If a player can't defend his position, then he shouldn't be on the NT ( or on a clubs team, for that matter) but then again, that is just my view.

@ hungarian candidate:

Hungaria and England are very different in BB. England is more of a small nation, less talented pool of players to chose from than the hungarian community. (Hungaria got 2.5x the ammount of manager than england has). That means that you can't use the same system as is used in hungaria, cause you don't have enough managers to use it. So if you truely hope to run in this election, i hope you'll have a more addapted version ready for England... Cause the Hungarian system won't work.

Now that the draw has been made, where do the candidates think that england can end.

This Post:
224196.11 in reply to 224196.10
Date: 08/22/2012 15:16:24
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Second Team:
Cause the Hungarian system won't work.

Never say this, because u don't know it...
And how can it know? Because u r GM or cause belgian? Are u belgian? I have relatives there:)

Do u think Hungary started it with 1000 users? No-no.

Chances. Imo the fifth place would be the best in this very-very hard group, fourth place is a dream. Serious results are not real recently.