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BB Canada > Mod-Bballins Checklist

Mod-Bballins Checklist

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From: Bballin
This Post:
Date: 08/23/2012 21:40:53
Overall Posts Rated:
Im going to use this thread and continue it. Feel free to discuss and comment. I welcome the criticism, requests, suggestions, encouragement, discussion and of course bribery ;)

Ill just update this whenever I am working on a new 'project' or about to update something. Let you guys into the world of Mod-Bballin ;)

Ill make a quick checklist of what I plan to get done by hopefully Saturday night!

[X] Finish Scouting 19 year olds
[X] Scout 18 year olds
[] Send ploije and scorcher the 18 year olds(for scouting)
[] Pick Season 21 roster for U21
[X] Update U21 stats
[] Get a Season 20 recap done for onsite and the EBBE offsite
[] Get a top 10/15 for bigs/guards for 18/19/20 year olds(gotta get that started again)
[X] Naismith Div II pick'em. Again!

Not necessarily in that order! Ill put an 'x' in the checkboxes of I complete one of them :)

Last edited by Bballin at 08/25/2012 01:31:11

This Post:
225239.2 in reply to 225239.1
Date: 08/23/2012 22:37:48
Overall Posts Rated:
Whoa!! Mod-Bballin. Don't you have a girlfriend in your world?? If you don't give her a little bit of time or she will an Ex. Commendable what you are doing, but prioritize and everything will get done.

This Post:
225239.3 in reply to 225239.2
Date: 08/23/2012 22:41:15
Overall Posts Rated:
Well I have all of tonight and sleep is over-rated. Plus she works tomorrow, An 8 hour shift. 8 hours that I can be with my true love ;) shhhhh!

I already got a couple things done as you can see :)