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BBAPI Support > Mobile App / ios

Mobile App / ios

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From: GM-Bear
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Date: 09/25/2012 09:04:26
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Hi, i'm iPhone developer, and last weekend i spend making mobile app for bb uses bb api.
I wanna ask, what features can i make with bb api?
May i set up lineup or bids in transfer market?
Maybe somebody have an intresting feature and want to see it in mobile version?
I more thing that we can make greater - game translation, but as i know there no able api to make it. Maybe in the future..

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227523.2 in reply to 227523.1
Date: 09/25/2012 10:20:43
Le Cotiche
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no, you can't set anything with BBAPI
you can only retrieve info

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227523.3 in reply to 227523.2
Date: 09/25/2012 10:26:05
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Thx for answer.
It's not exacly as i wish, but anyway its a lot of things what we can do with information..
If is somebody intrested in an mobile app, just give me know.

From: jantzen
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227523.4 in reply to 227523.3
Date: 09/26/2012 09:56:44
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Thought it might be fun to do some mobile stuff.

Which framework(s) are you going to use and are you only going to do it for IOS?

I was thinking about using Kivy ( since I enjoy using python.

Last edited by jantzen at 09/26/2012 13:24:00

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227523.5 in reply to 227523.4
Date: 09/26/2012 10:30:33
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Wow, it tools is very interested for me, thx. I don't knew about of Kivy early.

From: GM-Bear

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227523.6 in reply to 227523.4
Date: 09/26/2012 11:45:19
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Yes, i'm going to fo it only for iOs at first. Later, if it will be intresting i can try to make for Androind.
About frameworks at the moment i dont see any reason to use something external.
Never never heard about Will read for it later

One problem, a can do it only at the weekend but not every weekend, cuz i have a lot of other worries.
But than application will be in a good condition i will try to speak about shares experience with other users bb api.

From: 2rap

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227523.7 in reply to 227523.6
Date: 09/29/2012 04:08:11
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it doesn't seem very useful - cause U can use all BB-functions from your web browser in Android/iOS, or any tool (e.g. Buzzer Manager).
I made my Android app - and tryed it - with normal font size (larger then in browser) too little information places on screen - not comfortable.

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From: GM-Bear

To: 2rap
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227523.8 in reply to 227523.7
Date: 09/29/2012 05:36:03
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Maybe u right, but we can do any addition funtions and more than it will be more convenient to use application wiht ios buttons and other greate ios interface.
Just a lot of people prefer mobile app with same functionality to web version, as i'm

Last edited by GM-Bear at 09/29/2012 05:36:17

From: GM-Bear
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227523.9 in reply to 227523.8
Date: 10/06/2012 12:54:21
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Is anybody knows where i can get playerImageUrl or something like this?
in roster or player aspx - there isnt.

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227523.10 in reply to 227523.9
Date: 10/06/2012 17:49:45
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no their image doesn't exist in the bbapi

From: 2rap

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227523.11 in reply to 227523.10
Date: 10/07/2012 05:28:30
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Also there is no image there are several images in 1 place, e.g. hair, nose, eyes etc.

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