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Canada - III.5 > Least Weak Manager of the Week

Least Weak Manager of the Week

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Date: 4/22/2013 8:00:10 PM
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This weekly award will go to the manager who performed best during the week, incorporating wins, player production, transfers, upsets, etc.

This could easily go to bottom tier teams if they upset higher teams or do well in their transfers, like the Sock Bears did.

First award will be announced after the Allstar game, and after every Tuesday game afterwards.

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240882.2 in reply to 240882.1
Date: 4/24/2013 9:53:35 PM
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This week's Least Weak Manager of the Week goes to the manger of the Ashcroft Xerocles (33527). Not only did they win both of their games this week, including the supposed toughest game of the season, they had a total of 5 players voted in for the All-Star game, including 2 starters.

The best team in the league will not be winning the Least Weak Manager of the Weak every time. As I have said, anyone can win. Ashcroft was deserving of it this week.

Last edited by Napoleon Bonaparte at 5/5/2013 12:15:47 AM

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240882.4 in reply to 240882.2
Date: 5/1/2013 1:39:08 AM
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This week's Least Weak Manager of the Week will be going to the Ashcroft Xerocoles (33527) again. Yes, they won all their games but their transfers were phenomenal, especially with the star 18 year old, purchased for $1000 and sold for $212 300. Ashcroft only had him for 7 weeks or so before turning this prodigious profit out of him. Kudos to the Ashcroft Xerocoles and their manager ____________________________________ for repeating.

No other teams have really made any big moves or victories in the week that was.

Last edited by Napoleon Bonaparte at 5/5/2013 12:16:12 AM

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240882.5 in reply to 240882.4
Date: 5/8/2013 7:42:41 PM
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This week's Least Weak Manager of the Week will be going to the manager of the Lister All Stars (33205) for finally getting rid of Panos Naurozidis (9730505) whose contract was running the team into the ground. It was a mistake i made in my first season, aka last season, by having a high salary player and running a debt. It took Lister All Stars less time to sell him than it did me. Naurozidis is a great player and produced well for the All Stars but it was not worth the sacrifice of making negative money on a weekly basis.

Good move by the Lister All Stars for doing what they need to do.

Lister All Stars
Ashcroft Xerocoles
Ashcroft Xerocoles

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240882.6 in reply to 240882.5
Date: 5/14/2013 11:27:29 PM
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This week's Least Week Manager of the Week will be, without a doubt, going to the great manager of Napoleons Infantry. What a stud this guy is!

He has acquired a few players in the past few weeks which truly gives him a chance to challenge Ashcroft and The Sens for the Div III.5 Championship. As shown in Saturday's game, The Great Napoleon is perfectly capable of defeating Aschcroft, creating the potential for some great playoff games.

Napoleons Infantry
Lister All Stars
Ashcroft Xerocoles
Ashcroft Xerocoles