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Too Many Time Outs

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From: jimrtex
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Date: 04/13/2008 23:11:34
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Yesterday in my game (2243985) my team took 3 full and 2 30-second TO in the last 37 seconds.

NBA rules limit a team to 2 full TO in the last 2 minutes, and one 20-second TO per half, so I had 2 extra TO.

In games where the last minute heroics don't close the gap, but expand it as the losing team misses their 3's and the winning team sinks their FT, the extra TO drag out the inevitable.

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24280.2 in reply to 24280.1
Date: 04/14/2008 11:02:52
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i didn't know they limited the number of timeouts you can call at the end of the game. could you post a link for that. i've played basketball my whole life and i've never heard of that.

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24280.3 in reply to 24280.2
Date: 04/14/2008 11:18:36
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NO ONE at this table ordered a rum & Coke
Charles: Penn has some good people
A CT? Really?
Any two will do
Any three for me
Any four will score
Any five are live
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24280.4 in reply to 24280.3
Date: 04/14/2008 11:22:10
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i suppose i never noticed that before...i wonder if its the same for college ball.

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24280.5 in reply to 24280.3
Date: 04/14/2008 14:14:20
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My head hurt reading that.

Each team gets one 20 second TO per half, with any OT included in the 2nd half.

Each team gets 6 full TO per game, with a maximum of 3 in the 4Q. They get 3 full TO in each OT.

Ignoring the uncharged TV TO, in each quarter if there has been no TO in the first 6 minutes, a TO will be charged to the home team at 1st dead ball. If there hasn't been a 2nd TO in the first 9 minutes, a TO will be charged to the other team at the 1st dead ball.

I think that the charged TO would be easy enough to implement. Currently, BB will call a TO if one team goes on a run. I don't know what effect this has on the game - it might be that less experienced players panic and take poorer shots, make turnovers in such a situation, and the TO calms them. Maybe the coach can make adjustments to the defense.

So if there were charged TO, the GE might consider holding off on calling a panic TO if there will be a charged TO coming up. And it probably would generally avoid two TO in any of the 1st 3Q since that cuts into those available in the 4Q.

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24280.6 in reply to 24280.5
Date: 04/14/2008 16:55:04
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To add on to this - is it really necessary to have to wait the normal time for a timeout to end?

Because this is not real life, the BBs should use their superpowers to make a full timeout only take 5-10 seconds. Would anyone ever really disagree with this?

Friends Do not Let Friends Play 2-3 Zone
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24280.7 in reply to 24280.6
Date: 04/15/2008 07:04:20
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only in the 4th qtr when the empty stubbies are stacking up is a full minute break for a slash a good idea

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24280.8 in reply to 24280.7
Date: 04/15/2008 17:00:52
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only in the 4th qtr when the empty stubbies are stacking up is a full minute break for a slash a good idea

What language is this?

Friends Do not Let Friends Play 2-3 Zone