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Random Trees News of the Day PLUS Transfer Updates!

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Date: 03/25/2014 17:33:09
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BREAKING (sort of): Carlo Vacca, the Trees' young, sure-shooting SG, has confirmed via Twitter-BB that he chose to change his number. Vacca will change from #6 to #88, in honor of his idol, Nicolas Batum. Batum is a great SG/SF for the Portland Trail Blazers in the NBA, and Vacca hopes to have the success for the Trees that Batum has had in the pros.

The Trees also are targeting two players, both potential starters, that would have expensive salaries but also low bidding prices. One player is a PF who would replace Bobby Pittman, who likely will retire soon. Pittman said earlier this season that he will not retire until his Trees "have two PFs who can carry this team." The team captain's number, #32, has already been retired, and this young 21-year old PF who will not be named could possibly take Pittman's role. This new PF would share minutes with Albert Wittenbecher, hoping the Trees win the bid. However, the transfer bidding ends at 6 AM EST tomorrow morning, and LaRon Jackson usually sleeps until at least 7, and there is no way he'll wake up that early.

The other player that the Trees are pursuing costs only $5,000 to acquire, but his salary costs around $20k per week. The Trees haven't had a player with a salary that expensive in their entire history. Despite this, LaRon commented that the salary is worth this stellar PG. His transfer bidding actually ends at a time LaRon will be awake, luckily.

Well, thanks for reading about the irrelevant fact that Carlo Vacca changed his number, and the two players whom the Trees are pursuing. I've been Joel Spartan, North Florida Sports Network (NFSN) inside reporter of the Tallahassee Trees.

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256053.2 in reply to 256053.1
Date: 03/25/2014 19:24:43
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Thoughts, anybody?

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256053.3 in reply to 256053.2
Date: 03/26/2014 17:48:05
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The tress are already good where they stand in our league, but i think these improemets only help the situation to promote and better develope teamchemistry.

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256053.4 in reply to 256053.3
Date: 03/26/2014 20:56:26
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Thanks for the comment KRB! Though we have an update: The Trees have missed out on both players, but are pursuing now an improvement at center. So watch out, V.16 big men.