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Buying Guide. Why so much?!

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From: LTJ
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Date: 7/20/2014 11:14:57 AM
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I am new to the BB scene and have found the transfer list exciting seeing as you can't trade players directly with other managers. I am also fan of the auction system but there are a few things I'd like to touch on.

First, as a new player, I really don't stand a chance at getting quality staff as my income just won't allow it. I am happy to over look this as everyone on BB has gone through the same thing and there is some satisfaction with finally reaching a level where you're the big dog. However there is one thing that makes no sense at all and that is the very high prices that are being paid for a staff member.
For example; If you want to buy an advanced Doctor with a salary of $11,000 and you bid $350,000 to get him, you'd need to keep him for 350 weeks in order to make that money worth it and equal to buying a $12,000 salary Doctor.
It is my understanding that you want to replace your staff frequent enough because their salaries increase. A good manager would keep his staff salaries down so that he can spend his $$ on players. If the staff salaries increase it makes even less sense to pay such a high signing bonus as you will never be able to recoup the money you spent.

Why are we paying so much?

From: Myles

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261478.2 in reply to 261478.1
Date: 7/20/2014 12:04:36 PM
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I hardly bid anything for my doctor.
Maybe 20000.
You don't have to bid on that guy.

From: Raymond

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261478.3 in reply to 261478.1
Date: 7/20/2014 2:20:38 PM
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Of course, the price of some advanced stuff is crazy.

But what you need to do is, try to get a break even point to improve your roster and also have money to build a bigger arena. Once your finance got better, you may not feel the price of the advanced doctor as expensive as today.

From: SREZ

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261478.4 in reply to 261478.1
Date: 7/20/2014 2:28:57 PM
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Though it still may be hard for new teams to afford high leveled staff, keep in mind that the signing fees of all staff (especially trainers), are generally much higher at the beginning of each season. Whever there is a new batch of draftees the demand for trainers goes way up, so therefore the prices of trainer will have to increase as well. Personally, I would not pay over 50k for an advanced trainer, and though it took awhile I was recently able to get my hands on a level 4 trainer for 42k. You just have to buy when not as many users are online. As far as the doctor goes, I have never had above competent and have not had many problems whatsoever.

From: Siwy

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261478.5 in reply to 261478.4
Date: 7/20/2014 2:40:59 PM
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I bought my level 4 trainer for 32k. He had 12k salary.
In Europe, buying players/staff at 7 AM-10 AM can be a good idea. Europeans are in work or wake up, and Americans go sleep. Some Asians/Russians(Siberia) can be active, but in my opinion, they are minority.
Am I right with my theory?

Leniwy, stary, wyliniały kocur. Czasem jeszcze zerknie na polskie tłumaczenia.
From: SREZ

To: Siwy
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261478.6 in reply to 261478.5
Date: 7/20/2014 5:31:13 PM
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Probably, I haven't done any actual research as to the ideal times to purchase a player or staff member but depending on where you live you can usually get an idea pretty quickly.

Last edited by SREZ at 7/20/2014 5:31:27 PM

From: solarity

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261478.7 in reply to 261478.1
Date: 7/20/2014 5:44:17 PM
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You have to keep in mind that there are more factors:
- your current salary:
Ofc you will not buy a new 11k staff member when your current salary is 14k.
An advanced member with 14k salary will cost in 1season +18k, in 2 seasons ~23k, in 3 seasons 29k.
When you exchange him after 2 seasons, you save ~9k (14:23) at the beginning, after one season ~11k(18:29).
So you save about 140k in the 3rd season.
You also have to pay the old salary again, when you hire a new one. This costs also rise every week
Lots of manager want the low cost staff members, this also rises the price.

- specials:
The amount of low salary specialists is not as high as the demand.

But finally, you should not take care of the staff members that much. A doctor costs more than getting an alternative on the transfer list at the beginning. The players you have at the beginning are not worth a high level trainer. At the pr man gives you percentages, but percentages of nearly nothing at the beginning are lower than his salary.

Decide your training position (guard or C/PF), get some cheap 18/19y players (~level 5 or 6 in main skills) and train them with >=48mins.
You should maximize your profit in the 1st/2nd/3rd season, no high salaries or staff.

It makes no sense to reach the playoff finals by risking anyting and have a +-0 season. Its like starting at zero next season.

From: Coach Regan

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261478.8 in reply to 261478.1
Date: 7/20/2014 10:00:53 PM
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So the staff salary increases every week a small amount ( I think its 1.5% or something small).

BUT, the point being is that, 1.5% of $11k, is less than 1.5% of $12k - So thats something to consider. Doctor 2 will become a $20k a week doctor much sooner than Doctor 1.

Also the maths of 350 week is not quite right. It assumes that you paid nothing for your $12k salary doctor but $350k for your $11k doctor.

In reality, if an $11k doctor costs $350k to purchase, the $12k doctor will cost, lets say $300k.

That's only a difference of $50k. Even if their salaries stay at $11k and $12k respectively, that would only take 50 weeks to make up that difference. ($1k per week ) But its actually a bit less than that. You are consistently saving - Because 1.5% of the $12k doctor will always be higher than the 1.5% of the $11k doctor.
So its actually $1k per week saving plus - 0.015 * weekly difference (which will increase each week).

So yer. lets say its about 40 weeks between $12k and $11k - So its less again for $13k and $11k and then less again and again and there you go
There is also the fact that, ove a long period of time, if you only replace your staff member once every 50 weeks, thats more cost efficient than replacing a staff member every 20 weeks (have to pay staff member out so thats 2 lots of salaries for that week, and then the purchase price of new staff member).

So i hope this info helps in understanding why people pay so much for lower priced staff members :)

From: LTJ

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261478.9 in reply to 261478.8
Date: 7/21/2014 12:42:42 AM
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I just used 11 and 12k as an example. I could go and buy a much higher salary staff member (15k) for much less. The point is that there is a line you should pay for a staff member and after that line they are not worth it. Paying 2-300k for any staff member is never worth it.

From: Coach Regan

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261478.10 in reply to 261478.9
Date: 7/21/2014 2:33:32 AM
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well, looking at the market right now
a) Superior trainer - $16,500 salary - $338,000 bid.
b) Superior trainer - $25,000 salary, - $140k bid.
c) Superior Trainner - $33,500 salary - $1k bid.

So the difference between a and c, is about $16k salary, and $338k purchase price, which would only take 20 weeks to make up the difference. In that time, trainer a) salary is $22,200, whilst trainnee c) salary is $45k per week.

So in 20 weeks, the difference goes from about $16k to $23k per week.

Now, you may find that with some of the lower level staff, such as an advanced doctor, the purchase price difference between a $11k salary doctor and a $20k salary doctor is still only $1000, so yes, why on earth would someone bid on the $20k salary doctor. But he is only advanced level, so you don't get much, and there isnt much demand, so price is low (basic economics. low demand + High supply = low prices).

Conversely with, better staff.... Higher demand, and lower suplpy = Higher prices.

Don't get me wrong, people sitll bid more than what they should for staff... but the weekly savings are made now, rather than waiting 20 weeks to get your money back.

is it starting to make sense now?

Last edited by Coach Regan at 7/21/2014 2:41:50 AM

From: LTJ

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261478.11 in reply to 261478.10
Date: 7/21/2014 10:21:19 AM
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Yes thanks. I think we both learned something. Just to make myself clear the point I was trying to make is that there is a line you should pay for a staff member. After that line it's not worth it. No one should ever pay 2-300k for a staff member.