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Veterans in team

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From: Nock
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Date: 08/08/2014 06:26:02
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hey everybody, so my question is next - I want to add experienced and veteran players in my roster, there are many of them in transfer list but I'm afraid their skills gonna drop too early, so in which age players have crysis, I mean when they starting to drop skills quickly, week to week or something like it.

From: Marko

To: Nock
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261988.2 in reply to 261988.1
Date: 08/08/2014 06:44:50
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Players start dropping their skills at age 33, I think there's no such thing as players crysis. Of course, the older player is, the faster skills drop.

From: Nock

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261988.3 in reply to 261988.2
Date: 08/08/2014 07:00:17
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yeah I know, there is no crysis , just i mean when they start dropping skills really faster

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261988.4 in reply to 261988.3
Date: 08/08/2014 11:04:38
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ive got a guy who is 35 who ISNT dropping week to week

but the thing to remember is that he has already had 2 seasons plus this season of skill drops, so by the time it would hit week to week, he is already much lower.

From: Horns23

To: Nock
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261988.5 in reply to 261988.1
Date: 08/08/2014 13:00:22
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I have a 37 year old who plays a big role of the bench as a sixth man. He's only drop one or two skill points in non important skills. Veterans are GREAT because they're super cheap on the TL. Don't be scared of skill drops for older players. Now that doesn't mean spend 400k+ on a old guy, but getting a veteran to fill in a spot or save you money is a great idea.