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trainer specialties

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From: abu
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Date: 8/16/2014 9:02:05 AM
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currently, trainers have 2 sub specialties : career extension and fitness

wouldnt it be nice if we also have a sub spec of : 1. big man trainer specialty ( forwards and centers) and 2. smalll men ( guards, SF).

it will create a differentiation in choosing trainers

From: Coachinator

To: abu
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262165.2 in reply to 262165.1
Date: 8/16/2014 5:52:42 PM
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Would this train their specialty positions better than current trainers do, making for better and more expensive players all around? Or would the base rate be reduced and these trainers bring it back to current levels, punishing those who can't or don't get a specialized trainer?

From: abu

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262165.3 in reply to 262165.2
Date: 8/16/2014 9:24:00 PM
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yes a trainer that say have a guard focus will train outside skills a bit better. it will diversify the trainer market even more .

BB always say that it gives training priority, so any adjustments in training should be looked at.
the NBA has assistant coaches for shooting, bigs, strength, and the like