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Free BB Advertising Project

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From: Lucas
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Date: 05/17/2017 14:57:58
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I've been playing buzzerbeater for nearly 8 years now, and it's the only game that I can say that for. Alot of aspects of it aren't perfect (assuming one position, you can only train 3 players/week and they have to play an entire 48 minute game each). Some things like that seem weird when first presented, but once you learn how everything works then this game is unbelievably addicting (especially for a manager game in our internet browsers).

I've been on autopilot for a while, just setting lineups and minimally getting by but I'm pretty much back now. So I'm not sure what all I missed or if anything like this has been presented already. When it comes to spreading the word about BB, I've told a few friends about it (and they really liked it, at first anyway) but when it comes to spreading the word online (other forums/ facebook and other social medias etc) I feel like all we have is just the link to the game basically (albeit "buzzerbeater" is the greatest name of a basketball game ever lol).

I have been wanting to make a youtube vid (ad/promo/almost commercial sort of thing) for BB. I realize on youtube there are a few videos similar to this already made but they are very dated. I feel like I can make something that makes BuzzerBeater look good and really shows how addictive it can be. I have top notch editing software, and could present it in 4K (maybe a bit overkill since it's just a browser game, but my point is to make it look as professional as possible). I feel like it could appropriately be "that thing" we can share/spread around; here is BuzzerBeater. If someone gave me the link to any game or maybe an advertising picture, I'm probably going to ignore it but if it's a well put together video that's not too lengthy that would be much more effective in grabbing my attention.

My YouTube channel is a little small, but I get very quality views for the amount of subscribers I have.
I'm currently at 963 subscribers, but the average views per video (includes every video i've made even the early on ones that got 300-500) is 1500+ each. Plus almost everyone who watches my vids are huge basketball fans, because 99% of my vids are of another basketball game I play (small but effective audience).

The only reasons I want to do this:
1. Advertise for free for a game that I heavily support (main reason)
2. Give you guys something to share/spread around, if you've always wanted to help advertise the game to people you know (or don't know). People are usually scrolling through FB/twitter etc and are gonna ignore most links and pictures of games but if its a video with a catchy intro then it would be much more appealing.
3. Editing practice, see what I could do with a browser game.

I don't expect anything for this of course even free supporter etc, literally want to do it solely to support this game. Every single season in the update announcements, they are constantly improving the game and clearly care about it so I definitely want to give back. But I'm wondering what you guys think? Is this a dumb idea, since technically there are already a couple youtube vids out there (or does BB have an official video advert type thing made?) If I made this and it turned out great, would you want to share it?

However, I don't want to spend hours making it if the majority of people think it would be redundant or pointless. If you guys support the idea though, and want to help either post here or BB-mail me links to crazy moments (gamewinners etc in NT games, or maybe a half court shot or another cool play your own team did; be sure to time stamp where said events happened). I'm unable to make a poll for some reason so +1 this post or comment below if you support this.

Last edited by Lucas at 05/17/2017 15:37:52

This Post:
286595.3 in reply to 286595.1
Date: 05/18/2017 05:17:11
Spartan 300
Prva Liga BiH
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Second Team:
Spartan Kids
Great idea mate! I would love to see it +

This is where we hold them!
From: gooziec

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286595.4 in reply to 286595.3
Date: 05/18/2017 05:23:05
Overall Posts Rated:
I think that is great idea. I also want to popularity this game. If You need something to do in our way just say the word ;)

This Post:
286595.5 in reply to 286595.1
Date: 05/18/2017 05:53:28
Súria Lakers
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Súria Lakers II
That's great! Go for it

I may help you with an idea... I have screenshoots of one of my players from almost every friday after training comes out. So you could want some images to do a "collage" of the evolution of training. It might be funny for newbie players to see how a player can improve with some effort.

If you're interested in these images, contact me with some e-mail address and I'll do the rest.

PKT desde la Temporada 4

Para ver la imagen en mayor tamaño:
From: Surpomp

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286595.7 in reply to 286595.1
Date: 05/19/2017 05:07:45
Overall Posts Rated:
Yeah, also, I think it could perhaps be on the main page, and serve as an addition to the "take the tour" intro. That should btw have a new game with some fancy floor. And a game winning buzzerbeater.

This Post:
286595.8 in reply to 286595.1
Date: 05/21/2017 20:26:46
Overall Posts Rated:
This would be awesome, Lucas!

From: WardoYT

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286595.9 in reply to 286595.1
Date: 05/31/2017 19:22:07
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I want to get highlights for my channel. Very good to hear that I will have competition in the youtube market!!! This actually entice me to record my games. I am at 686 subscribers and I have 32,000 plus views been doing youtube for 4 years. Here is a link to my channel

I am aiming for promotion from division 4 next season!!! My team is getting praise as I just beat and undefeated team 19-1 as a 5 seed. I just lost my chance for the playoffs. As I think I would have been eliminated from playoffs anyway due to point difference.