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1v1 training

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From: Bimboy
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Date: 04/24/2018 10:25:58
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Is there a difference between 1v1 training for guards vs forwards, besides the position being trained and which would be better for a 6'7 & 6'9 players being trained simultaneously?

From: Bimboy

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293973.3 in reply to 293973.2
Date: 04/24/2018 11:13:01
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Thanks, that was helpful. In your opinion which would you choose for the players?
Js Jr od ha Dr pa is I'd rb sb
6'9 pg 4 4 8 6 8 7 5 3 6 7
6'7 sg 8 7 8 6 8 5 3 3 2 5

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From: Bimboy

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293973.6 in reply to 293973.5
Date: 04/24/2018 13:09:48
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They are both 19 with superstar potential, I'm new to the game so I'm not exactly sure what's the best course with them, although I think i want to train guards for my team and buy big men, also, how feasible is it to have guards with good inside skills? At least 8 for each of the inside skills, would that use up too much of their guard potential?

From: Bimboy

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293973.8 in reply to 293973.7
Date: 04/24/2018 13:28:41
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Thanks alot for the advice it was very helpful, I'll look at the data by parrot.

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293973.9 in reply to 293973.3
Date: 04/25/2018 08:23:34
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Train Forwards for those 2. With that height there is no reason not to train IS (although ID is low on both and it will not help making IS faster).

I'd train 1v1F until 13 DR (I would not go higher as your guys are already 19 and also you want to save some cap there) then go on the other outside skills.

Personally if you have 3 or less trainees and you're not competing or in danger of demoting I would first take a couple of pops in OD so that they can stay on the court without being a black hole both offensively and defensively. If you train OD first it will also help HA grow a bit faster than DR when you train 1v1.

Last edited by Lemonshine at 04/25/2018 11:41:21

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293973.10 in reply to 293973.9
Date: 04/25/2018 11:05:30
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Thanks for the advice, will do.