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BB USA > National Team Debate Thread

National Team Debate Thread (thread closed)

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From: Nick

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294829.2 in reply to 294829.1
Date: 07/18/2018 16:35:56
Desert Eagles
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Eagle Farm
This question is for all contestants... Do you plan to MAGA?

Last edited by Nick at 07/18/2018 16:36:13

This Post:
294829.3 in reply to 294829.2
Date: 07/18/2018 19:06:00
Greensboro Generals
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We have a committed communicative crew on discord. The offsite has been rebuilt. Sahand bought in his building expertise and in time those methods will bear fruit. The issue is the present.

Last edited by Coach Lambini at 07/18/2018 20:13:35

This Post:
294829.4 in reply to 294829.3
Date: 07/18/2018 19:49:02
Desert Eagles
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Eagle Farm
I highly disagree... The NT program is not somethin rebuilt overnight lol. It takes at least 10 seasons to train a NT player... so even if we rebuilt it last season... thats still another 9 seasons. We need a manager that is patient that can ensure the pipline gets and stays healthy.

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294829.5 in reply to 294829.4
Date: 07/18/2018 20:25:44
Greensboro Generals
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Your right, this will take time. What it is going to take is a commitment to spreading the gospel. Hopefully the new youth trainer will make the concept of training up a beast more appealing not to mention quicker

From: WardoYT
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294829.6 in reply to 294829.2
Date: 07/18/2018 22:05:03
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With a 21 season veteran threatening to retire but always seem to comeback because he wants to finish the game out right. I have worked with the under 21 team and the national team as a opposing team scout. I would like to be let back into the discord chat as I have turned establishment boys scout club as some of you may not have known I did indeed turned around my siding and saying I can't beat them join them scenario.

We have been needing a NBBA manager to come back and coach the national team for years. Your following in Brian's footstep we haven't had one like that since the beginning of the National team enshrinement process.

A guy who is also going to be a coach of a youth team in his local community in the fall while putting out the final touches to his first mainstream album on a more private note. The question is will you continue to work the works of Sahand for the national team. Remember Jkaltheway was more liked than Sahand because of nationality issues but his works must continue as I know he put the best product on the floor possible with the limited capped ceiling of the USA player pool.

Also we need more known coaches scouting for the national team to make it more appealing to the people in division IV leagues and division III. We can't have the same chopping ladder structure for the good ole boys we need a fair vote as we will be even more establish and more trust from non discord members.

What are you plans to make the national team hit the top rank again.

From: Isaiah

This Post:
294829.7 in reply to 294829.6
Date: 07/18/2018 22:17:38
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Smallfries II

We have been needing a NBBA manager to come back and coach the national team for years. Your following in Brian's footstep we haven't had one like that since the beginning of the National team enshrinement process.

A guy who is also going to be a coach of a youth team in his local community in the fall while putting out the final touches to his first mainstream album on a more private note. The question is will you continue to work the works of Sahand for the national team. Remember Jkaltheway was more liked than Sahand because of nationality issues but his works must continue as I know he put the best product on the floor possible with the limited capped ceiling of the USA player pool.

I’m sorry, but this just made me laugh. Assuming all goes well, Bob has my vote and he knows that, but this was comical. Y’all been bowing down to Sahand despite him doing what others were already doing. Everyone also acts like his training techniques were earth shattering too even though it was the same that everyone knew already. Nothing against Sahand personally, I think it’s more against those that still think he was the best coach this team ever had.

..... I digress.

From: WardoYT

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294829.8 in reply to 294829.7
Date: 07/18/2018 22:21:56
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Magiker was the best coach the national team have ever had. I was trying to be funny in a way and bob has my vote.

From: WardoYT

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294829.11 in reply to 294829.9
Date: 07/19/2018 00:17:16
Overall Posts Rated:
We need the core back. But I understand what you're saying.