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BB South Africa > U21 National Team Debate Thread

U21 National Team Debate Thread (thread closed)

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From: Greer14
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299417.2 in reply to 299417.1
Date: 05/08/2019 02:19:25
Overall Posts Rated:
I am available to answer any of your questions

"..because the limits as fears are just an illusion" M.J.
This Post:
299417.3 in reply to 299417.2
Date: 05/09/2019 00:05:57
Greensboro Generals
Overall Posts Rated:

After two seasons of being the manager of the Japan U21 I have decided to abdicate that position due to interest from one of their in house players deciding he wants the reigns. Oh if my competition was someone out of country I would seekto be reappointed but when someone shows interest who lives in that country I must step away. Especially when the guys younger brother is already manager of that countries senior team! Cue Sly and the family stone because that situation is about to become a "Family Affair"

Looking around for other potential fits I find the South Africa position a great opportunity! Similar size of members, but a more engaged user base, sure your outgoing (if he does not seek reelection) manager has a modest approval rating, but there were 8 of 12 voting which shows there are managers who care. It would be refreshing to work with a group with a little fire under their belly. Plus the African section looks very very manageable!

I am a long term player who has spent 30 seasons in the game. Most of them in the meat grinder that is the USA d3. In my official speech I will spell out more about my philosophy but I look forward to hearing from the members of this community to hear what is important to you.

Last edited by Coach Lambini at 05/09/2019 00:07:21