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USA - III.12 > =** Season 54 **=

=** Season 54 **=

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Date: 06/28/2021 08:36:18
The Windy City Heroes
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Summer of greatness! Woot! Let's have a great season!

From: neil
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310550.2 in reply to 310550.1
Date: 06/28/2021 12:57:16
Fenway Flyers
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hey all! I played for about 15 seasons or so way back around seasons 10-25, was in an active D4 league and never managed to make it out..... randomly thought of playing again during lockdown, lucked out with a pretty inactive league and made it up here within a few
looking forward to competing in an active league! and hopefully not getting sent right back down

From: gaffer
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310550.3 in reply to 310550.2
Date: 06/28/2021 14:13:40
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good luck to all - here from IV

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310550.4 in reply to 310550.1
Date: 06/29/2021 06:41:48
The Windy City Heroes
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I've seen some very interesting new teams!

Ballus Maximus is all American! I respect that. A great team, too, wiith one dude having a 145,000 a week salary! He's legendary in inside defense, but other than that...I'm not sure of the allure! Gonna be fun to go against this kick ass team!

Another team I was looking at has two players that are 50 and 60 years old. They have low ratings and low salaries and seem like they'd bring down the young teammates around them, but someone must love them! I've ALLWAYS had money problems in BB, so I'm very quick to fire when I'm looking to shave a few dollars.

I got a great draft pick, but he's only allstar. But a terrible guy I also got is a superstar potential, and I'm wondering if I should try to build him up. I'd love an all-AMerican team, too, but the implications and logistics of pure USA seems too difficult for me.

Last edited by Zucchini at 06/29/2021 08:29:47

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310550.5 in reply to 310550.4
Date: 06/30/2021 14:13:24
Ballus Maximus
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That $145K salary needs to go! I picked him up last season when I moved up to D.II; pretty sure that he'll destroy my economy this season if I keep him :-/

And the "all American" thing is also economic: evidence indicates that you get a bump in merchandise revenue if all the players are from the home country :-)

Last edited by Romanovich at 06/30/2021 14:13:45

From: Ilseum

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310550.6 in reply to 310550.1
Date: 07/01/2021 13:20:33
CA Foreigners
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Whoa, I found people!

Greetings new and old friends. I have been playing since Season 3 and looks like some of you have been here for a while as well. Hello Windy City Heroes, this will be our 10th season together :) Super Stars... o_O looks like we've been playing against each other in seasons 10 - 13. That's quite a while ago.

This looks like a fun league to be in. Unfortunately, I probably won't stick around for too long because my team is just not competitive (I was in a weak div IV and lucked out in the playoffs). My current team is made up of my own draftees only, no purchased players allowed. I forgot to set draft picks for the past two seasons so I don't have any good picks to train... I'm looking forward to get one this season for sure :)

Good Luck to you all!

Last edited by Ilseum at 07/01/2021 22:07:29

From: Deucie

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310550.7 in reply to 310550.6
Date: 07/01/2021 14:51:17
Missouri City Sounders
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Why are you unable to purchase new players?

From: Ilseum

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310550.8 in reply to 310550.7
Date: 07/01/2021 22:13:10
CA Foreigners
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It is just a restriction I put on myself :) makes things more interesting for me
I like the idea of long term planning and seeing players grow. It would really help if I wouldn't forget to scout players though...

From: Zucchini

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310550.9 in reply to 310550.6
Date: 07/02/2021 19:55:44
The Windy City Heroes
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Much respect, Foreigners, for your home grown team! I'm sure you'll put together a run, you always do.

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310550.10 in reply to 310550.9
Date: 07/02/2021 23:28:10
Johns Creek Wave
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Second Team:
Holly Springs Haggis
With 7 new teams in the league, there is no telling what to expect. It looks like Blue side will be pretty competitive. I don't see any really bad teams in the bunch. But nothing like BNH rolling to the title like last year. Should be really frustrating.

I'd put a bid on your big guy, but that stamina is yuck and poo. Always makes me sad when I see really good players with low stamina. And that's a weird history. He doubled his salary from season 51-52. Must have had a really good agent.

Best of luck to everyone except when you are playing me. Then I hope you get Scott Foster and Tony Brothers as refs

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