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Suggestions > Youth Coach Impact

Youth Coach Impact

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From: Moresbi
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Date: 12/06/2021 07:19:10
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Greetings everyone.

Newcomer here (please have that in mind ) and not sure if this has been mentioned or not but if so, please disregard it.
It's about the Youth Coach (YC) and how it works.
From what I understood it only works on 18 and 19 old players.

If possible, I was wondering if this could work longer but also in a progressive way, for example:

18 year old YC impact -> 100%
19 year old YC impact -> 75%
20 year old YC impact -> 50%
21 year old YC impact -> 25%
22 year old and older YC impact -> 0%

The %s are just an idea/suggestion.

The idea, somehow, would be to have the YC be more effective and have a longer impact on players (I would say a 21 older is still a young player, albeit not a rookie, for sure).

Anyway, just a thought.

This Post:
312611.2 in reply to 312611.1
Date: 12/06/2021 09:05:39
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Second Team:
Actually a great training facility
Honestly I feel like youth coach is as overpowered as the FT building and I disagree.

Main reason: everyone drafts and trains 18yo. If we implement this progressive scaling 19yo will become even less attractive, because they would lose an EVEN more important season of training

From: E.B.W.

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312611.3 in reply to 312611.2
Date: 12/07/2021 11:48:13
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
I agree 100%. There seems to be a great balance right now for 18s and 19s and I like the YT only counting for those ages.

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